Src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Src:


directory  Chombo
directory  Cooling
directory  EOS
directory  Fargo
directory  HD
directory  Math_Tools
directory  MHD
directory  Parallel
directory  Particles
directory  RHD
directory  RMHD
directory  States
directory  Templates
directory  Thermal_Conduction
directory  Time_Stepping
directory  Viscosity


file  adv_flux.c [code]
 Compute flux for passive scalars.
file  arrays.c [code]
 Memory allocation functions.
file  bin_io.c [code]
 Functions for handling binary I/O.
file  boundary.c [code]
 Set boundary conditions.
file  cartcoord.c [code]
file  check_states.c [code]
file  cmd_line_opt.c [code]
 Parse command line options.
file  colortable.c [code]
file  cooling_ode_solver.c [code]
file  cooling_source.c [code]
 Integrate cooling and reaction source terms.
file  doxy-comment.c [code]
 Documentation template for C source files.
file  entropy_switch.c [code]
 Compute entropy after boundary condition have been set.
file  failsafe.c [code]
file  fd_flux.c [code]
 Compute finite difference fluxes.
file  fd_reconstruct.c [code]
file  flag_shock.c [code]
 Shock finding algorithm.
file  get_nghost.c [code]
 Return the number of ghost zones.
file  globals.h [code]
 Collects global variables definitions.
file  hdf5_io.c [code]
 HDF5 I/O main driver.
file  hdf5_io.vChombo3.1.c [code]
 HDF5 I/O main driver.
file  initialize.c [code]
 Initialize PLUTO.
file  input_data.c [code]
 Provide basic functionality for reading input data files.
file  int_bound_reset.c [code]
 Reset to zero the right hand side in the internal boundary.
file  jet_domain.c [code]
 Adjust the effective domain size when the -xNjet option is given.
file  macros.h [code]
 PLUTO header file for function-like macros.
file  main.c [code]
 PLUTO main function.
file  mappers3D.c [code]
 3D wrapper for conservative/primitive conversion.
file  mean_mol_weight.c [code]
 Compute the mean molecular weight.
file  parabolic_flux.c [code]
 Compute diffusion fluxes for explicit time stepping.
file  parabolic_rhs.c [code]
 Compute right hand side for diffusion terms.
file  parse_file.c [code]
 File parser utilities.
file  pluto.h [code]
 PLUTO main header file.
file  prototypes.h [code]
file  rbox.c [code]
 Basic RBox database.
file  restart.c [code]
 Restart PLUTO from binary or HDF5 double precision data files.
file  rkc.c [code]
 Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev driver for integration of diffusion terms.
file  runtime_setup.c [code]
 Read runtime information from pluto.ini.
file  set_geometry.c [code]
 Initialize geometry-dependent grid quantities.
file  set_grid.c [code]
 Set up the global and local grids in the three coordinate directions.
file  set_image.c [code]
file  set_indexes.c [code]
 Perform index permutation and set domain integration indexes.
file  set_output.c [code]
 Set/retrieve output data attributes.
file  show_config.c [code]
 Print useful information about the current computations.
file  split_source.c [code]
 Include source terms using operator splitting.
file  startup.c [code]
 Loop on the computational cells to assign initial conditions.
file  structs.h [code]
 PLUTO header file for structure declarations.
file  sts.c [code]
 Super Time Stepping driver for integration of diffusion terms.
file  tools.c [code]
 Collection of general-purpose functions.
file  userdef_output.c [code]
file  userdef_output.dt.c [code]
file  userdef_output.shock_tracking.c [code]
file  var_names.c [code]
file  vec_pot_diff.c [code]
 Compute magnetic field from vector potential.
file  vec_pot_update.c [code]
 Function to handle vector potential.
file  write_data.c [code]
 Main output driver.
file  write_img.c [code]
file  write_tab.c [code]
 Write tabulated 1D or 2D ascii data files.
file  write_vtk.c [code]
 Write data in VTK format.