sts.c File Reference

Super Time Stepping driver for integration of diffusion terms. More...

#include "pluto.h"
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#define STS_NU   0.01
 Sets the nu parameter used in STS. More...
#define STS_MAX_STEPS   1024


static void STS_ComputeSubSteps (double, double tau[], int)
static double STS_FindRoot (double, double, double)
static double STS_CorrectTimeStep (int, double)
void STS (const Data *d, Time_Step *Dts, Grid *grid)

Detailed Description

Super Time Stepping driver for integration of diffusion terms.

Take one step in the solution of the diffusion equation $ dU/dt = R(\partial^2U) $ where R is a nonlinear right hand side involving second derivatives. The super step is taken to be equal to the current time step g_dt and the number of substeps Nsts is given by solving the following nonlinear equation:

\[ \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta t_{\rm par}} = \frac{N}{2\sqrt{\nu}}\frac{(1+\sqrt{\nu})^{2N} - (1-\sqrt{\nu})^{2N}} {(1+\sqrt{\nu})^{2N} + (1-\sqrt{\nu})^{2N}} \]

where $\nu$ is set by the macro STS_NU (default equal to 0.01). The previous relation is given by Eq. [2.10] of Alexiades et al. with the explicit parabolic time step $\Delta t_{\rm par}$ being computed from

\[ \frac{2}{N_d} \max\left[ \frac{\eta_x}{\Delta x^2} + \frac{\eta_y}{\Delta y^2} + \frac{\eta_z}{\Delta z^2} \right] \Delta t_{\rm par} = C_p < \frac{1}{N_d} \]

where $C_p$ is the parabolic Courant number, $ N_d $ is the number of spatial dimensions and the maximum of the square bracket is computed during the call to ParabolicRHS.

This function is called in an operator-split way before/after advection has been carried out.


  • Alexiades, V., Amiez, A., & Gremaud E.-A. 1996, Com. Num. Meth. Eng., 12, 31
A. Mignone (
T. Matsakos
Aug 27, 2015

Definition in file sts.c.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define STS_MAX_STEPS   1024

Definition at line 49 of file sts.c.

#define STS_NU   0.01

Sets the nu parameter used in STS.

Definition at line 46 of file sts.c.

Function Documentation

void STS ( const Data d,
Time_Step Dts,
Grid grid 

Solve diffusion equation(s) using Super-Time-Stepping.

[in,out]dpointer to Data structure
[in,out]Dtspointer to Time_Step structure
[in]gridpointer to an array of Grid structures

Definition at line 55 of file sts.c.

64 {
65  int i, j, k, nv, n, m;
66  double N, ts[STS_MAX_STEPS];
67  double dt_par, tau, tsave, inv_dtp;
68  static Data_Arr rhs;
69  RBox *box = GetRBox(DOM, CENTER);
71  if (rhs == NULL) rhs = ARRAY_4D(NX3_TOT, NX2_TOT, NX1_TOT, NVAR, double);
73 /* -------------------------------------------------------------
74  Compute the conservative vector in order to start the cycle.
75  This step will be useless if the data structure
76  contains Vc as well as Uc (for future improvements).
77  ------------------------------------------------------------- */
79  PrimToCons3D(d->Vc, d->Uc, box);
80  tsave = g_time;
82 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
83  Main STS Loop starts here
84  ------------------------------------------------------------ */
86  m = 0;
87  n = STS_MAX_STEPS;
88  while (m < n){
90  g_intStage = m + 1;
91  Boundary(d, ALL_DIR, grid);
92  inv_dtp = ParabolicRHS(d, rhs, 1.0, grid);
94  /* --------------------------------------------------------------
95  At the first step (m=0) compute (explicit) parabolic time
96  step. Restriction on explicit time step should be
98  [2*eta_x/dx^2 + 2*eta_y/dy^2 + 2*eta_z/dz^2]*dt < 1
100  which in PLUTO is normally written as
102  [2/dtp_x + 2/dtp_y + 2/dtp_z]*dt/Ndim = 1/Ndim = cfl_par
104  where Ndim is the number of spatial dimensions.
105  -------------------------------------------------------------- */
107  if (m == 0){
108  Dts->inv_dtp = inv_dtp/(double)DIMENSIONS;
109  #ifdef PARALLEL
110  MPI_Allreduce (&Dts->inv_dtp, &tau, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
111  Dts->inv_dtp = tau;
112  #endif
113  Dts->inv_dtp = MAX(Dts->inv_dtp, 1.e-18);
114  dt_par = Dts->cfl_par/(2.0*Dts->inv_dtp); /* explicit parabolic
115  time step */
116  /* -------------------------------------------
117  Compute the number of steps needed to fit
118  the supertimestep with the advection one.
119  ------------------------------------------- */
121  N = STS_FindRoot(1.0, dt_par, g_dt);
122  N = floor(N+1.0);
123  n = (int)N;
125  Dts->Nsts = n;
126  if (n > STS_MAX_STEPS){
127  print1 ("! STS: the number of substeps (%d) is > %d\n",n, STS_MAX_STEPS);
128  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
129  }
131  /* ------------------------------------------
132  Adjust explicit timestep to make Nsts an
133  integer number and compute the substeps.
134  ------------------------------------------ */
136  if (Dts->Nsts > 1){
137  dt_par = STS_CorrectTimeStep(Dts->Nsts, g_dt);
138  STS_ComputeSubSteps(dt_par, ts, Dts->Nsts);
139  }
141  if (Dts->Nsts == 1) ts[0] = g_dt;
143  } /* end if m == 0 */
145  tau = ts[n-m-1];
147  /* -----------------------------------------------
148  Update cell-centered conservative variables
149  ----------------------------------------------- */
151  DOM_LOOP (k,j,i){
153  EXPAND(d->Uc[k][j][i][MX1] += tau*rhs[k][j][i][MX1]; ,
154  d->Uc[k][j][i][MX2] += tau*rhs[k][j][i][MX2]; ,
155  d->Uc[k][j][i][MX3] += tau*rhs[k][j][i][MX3];)
156  #endif
158  EXPAND(d->Uc[k][j][i][BX1] += tau*rhs[k][j][i][BX1]; ,
159  d->Uc[k][j][i][BX2] += tau*rhs[k][j][i][BX2]; ,
160  d->Uc[k][j][i][BX3] += tau*rhs[k][j][i][BX3];)
161  #endif
162  #if HAVE_ENERGY
166  d->Uc[k][j][i][ENG] += tau*rhs[k][j][i][ENG];
167  #endif
168  #endif
169  }
172  /* -----------------------------------------------
173  Update staggered magnetic field variables
174  ----------------------------------------------- */
176 /* This piece of code should be used for simple Cartesian 2D
177  configurations with constant resistivity.
178  It shows that the stability limit of the resistive part of the
179  induction equation is larger if the right hand side is written
180  as Laplacian(B) rather than curl(J)
182 double ***Bx, ***By, ***Bz, Jz, dx, dy, dt;
183 static double ***Ez, ***Rx, ***Ry;
184 if (Ez == NULL) {
185  Ez = ARRAY_3D(NX3_TOT, NX2_TOT, NX1_TOT, double);
186  Rx = ARRAY_3D(NX3_TOT, NX2_TOT, NX1_TOT, double);
187  Ry = ARRAY_3D(NX3_TOT, NX2_TOT, NX1_TOT, double);
188 }
189 Bx = d->Vs[BX1s];
190 By = d->Vs[BX2s];
191 dx = grid[IDIR].dx[IBEG];
192 dy = grid[JDIR].dx[JBEG];
194 dt = tau;
195 k=0;
196 for (j = 1; j < NX2_TOT-1; j++) for (i = 1; i < NX1_TOT-1; i++){
197  Jz = (By[k][j][i+1] - By[k][j][i])/dx - (Bx[k][j+1][i] - Bx[k][j][i])/dy;
198  Ez[k][j][i] = Jz*g_inputParam[ETAZ];
199  Rx[k][j][i] = (Bx[k][j][i+1] - 2.0*Bx[k][j][i] + Bx[k][j][i-1])/(dx*dx)
200  + (Bx[k][j+1][i] - 2.0*Bx[k][j][i] + Bx[k][j-1][i])/(dy*dy);
202  Ry[k][j][i] = (By[k][j][i+1] - 2.0*By[k][j][i] + By[k][j][i-1])/(dx*dx)
203  + (By[k][j+1][i] - 2.0*By[k][j][i] + By[k][j-1][i])/(dy*dy);
204 }
206 JDOM_LOOP(j) for (i = IBEG-1; i <= IEND; i++){
207 // Bx[k][j][i] += - dt/dy*(Ez[k][j][i] - Ez[k][j-1][i]);
208  Bx[k][j][i] += dt*g_inputParam[ETAZ]*Rx[k][j][i];
209 }
211 for (j = JBEG-1; j <= JEND; j++) IDOM_LOOP(i){
212 // By[k][j][i] += dt/dx*(Ez[k][j][i] - Ez[k][j][i-1]);
213  By[k][j][i] += dt*g_inputParam[ETAZ]*Ry[k][j][i];
214 }
215 */
216  CT_Update (d, d->Vs, tau, grid);
217  CT_AverageMagneticField (d->Vs, d->Uc, grid);
218  #endif
220  /* --------------------------------------------------
221  Unflag zone tagged with the ENTROPY_SWITCH since
222  only total energy can be evolved using STS
223  -------------------------------------------------- */
226  TOT_LOOP(k,j,i) d->flag[k][j][i] &= ~FLAG_ENTROPY;
227  #endif
229  /* ----------------------------------------------
230  convert conservative variables to primitive
231  for next iteration. Increment loop index.
232  ---------------------------------------------- */
234  ConsToPrim3D(d->Uc, d->Vc, d->flag, box);
235  g_time += ts[n-m-1];
236  m++;
237  }
238  g_time = tsave; /* restore initial time step */
239 }
#define MX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:22
void Boundary(const Data *d, int idim, Grid *grid)
Definition: boundary.c:36
#define MAX(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:101
double **** Vs
The main four-index data array used for face-centered staggered magnetic fields.
Definition: structs.h:43
#define MX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:20
double **** Data_Arr
Definition: pluto.h:492
DOM_LOOP(k, j, i)
Definition: analysis.c:22
static int n
Definition: analysis.c:3
RBox * GetRBox(int, int)
Definition: rbox.c:232
#define CENTER
Definition: pluto.h:200
void print1(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:511
void PrimToCons3D(Data_Arr V, Data_Arr U, RBox *box)
Definition: mappers3D.c:86
long int NX2_TOT
Total number of zones in the X2 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.
Definition: globals.h:57
int g_intStage
Gives the current integration stage of the time stepping method (predictor = 0, 1st corrector = 1...
Definition: globals.h:98
double **** Vc
The main four-index data array used for cell-centered primitive variables.
Definition: structs.h:31
double g_dt
The current integration time step.
Definition: globals.h:118
double ParabolicRHS(const Data *d, Data_Arr dU, double dt, Grid *grid)
Definition: parabolic_rhs.c:50
#define DOM
Computational domain (interior)
Definition: pluto.h:152
void CT_Update(const Data *d, Data_Arr Bs, double dt, Grid *grid)
Definition: ct.c:29
static void STS_ComputeSubSteps(double, double tau[], int)
Definition: sts.c:242
unsigned char *** flag
Pointer to a 3D array setting useful integration flags that are retrieved during integration.
Definition: structs.h:55
void ConsToPrim3D(Data_Arr U, Data_Arr V, unsigned char ***flag, RBox *box)
Definition: mappers3D.c:16
double inv_dtp
Inverse of diffusion (parabolic) time step .
Definition: structs.h:217
static double STS_CorrectTimeStep(int, double)
Definition: sts.c:289
#define TOT_LOOP(k, j, i)
Definition: macros.h:44
Update pressure using entropy equation.
Definition: pluto.h:182
double cfl_par
Courant number for diffusion (STS only).
Definition: structs.h:221
long int NX3_TOT
Total number of zones in the X3 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.
Definition: globals.h:59
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
#define MX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:21
#define ARRAY_4D(nx, ny, nz, nv, type)
Definition: prototypes.h:173
int k
Definition: analysis.c:2
#define BX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:27
static double STS_FindRoot(double, double, double)
Definition: sts.c:258
Definition: sts.c:49
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
double g_time
The current integration time.
Definition: globals.h:117
double **** Uc
The main four-index data array used for cell-centered conservative variables.
Definition: structs.h:37
#define BX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:25
int Nsts
Maximum number of substeps used in STS.
Definition: structs.h:223
#define BX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:26
#define NVAR
Definition: pluto.h:609
Definition: structs.h:346
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125
long int NX1_TOT
Total number of zones in the X1 direction (boundaries included) for the local processor.
Definition: globals.h:55
Definition: definitions_01.h:2
void CT_AverageMagneticField(double ****bf, double ****UU, Grid *grid)
#define ALL_DIR
Definition: pluto.h:196

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void STS_ComputeSubSteps ( double  dtex,
double  tau[],
int  ssorder 

Definition at line 242 of file sts.c.

246 {
247  int i;
248  double S=0.0;
250  for (i = 0; i < ssorder; i++) {
251  tau[i] = dtex / ((-1.0 + STS_NU)*cos(((2.0*i+1.0)*CONST_PI)/(2.0*ssorder))
252  + 1.0 + STS_NU);
253  S += tau[i];
254  }
255 }
#define STS_NU
Sets the nu parameter used in STS.
Definition: sts.c:46
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
#define CONST_PI
Definition: pluto.h:269

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double STS_CorrectTimeStep ( int  n0,
double  dta 

Definition at line 289 of file sts.c.

293 {
294  double a,b,c;
295  double dtr;
297  a = (1.0-sqrt(STS_NU))/(1.0+sqrt(STS_NU));
298  b = pow(a,2.0*n0);
299  c = (1.0-b)/(1.0+b);
301  dtr = dta*2.0*sqrt(STS_NU)/(n0*c);
302  return(dtr);
303 }
static double a
Definition: init.c:135
#define STS_NU
Sets the nu parameter used in STS.
Definition: sts.c:46
tuple c

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double STS_FindRoot ( double  x0,
double  dtr,
double  dta 

Definition at line 258 of file sts.c.

262 {
263  double a,b,c;
264  double Ns, Ns1;
265  int n;
267  n = 0;
269  Ns = x0+1.0;
270  Ns1 = x0;
272  while(fabs(Ns-Ns1) >= 1.0e-5){
273  Ns = Ns1;
274  a = (1.0-sqrt(STS_NU))/(1.0+sqrt(STS_NU));
275  b = pow(a,2.0*Ns);
276  c = (1.0-b)/(1.0+b);
277  Ns1 = Ns + (dta - dtr*Ns/(2.0*sqrt(STS_NU))*c)
278  /(dtr/(2.0*sqrt(STS_NU))*(c-2.0*Ns*b*log(a)*(1.0+c)/(1.0+b)));
279  n += 1;
280  if (n == 128){
281  print1 ("! STS_FindRoot: max number of iterations exceeded");
282  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
283  }
284  }
285  return(Ns);
286 }
static double a
Definition: init.c:135
static int n
Definition: analysis.c:3
void print1(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:511
#define STS_NU
Sets the nu parameter used in STS.
Definition: sts.c:46
tuple c
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: