structs.h File Reference

PLUTO header file for structure declarations. More...

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struct  CMD_LINE
struct  DATA
struct  GRID
struct  STATE_1D
struct  TABLE2D
struct  TIME_STEP
struct  OUTPUT
struct  RUNTIME
struct  RESTART
struct  RGB
struct  IMAGE
struct  FLOAT_VECT
struct  INDEX
struct  INT_LIST
struct  RBOX


typedef struct CMD_LINE Cmd_Line
typedef struct DATA Data
typedef struct GRID Grid
typedef struct STATE_1D State_1D
typedef struct TABLE2D Table2D
typedef struct TIME_STEP Time_Step
typedef struct OUTPUT Output
typedef struct RUNTIME Runtime
typedef struct RESTART Restart
typedef struct RGB RGB
typedef struct IMAGE Image
typedef struct FLOAT_VECT Float_Vect
typedef struct INDEX Index
typedef struct INT_LIST intList
typedef struct RBOX RBox

Detailed Description

PLUTO header file for structure declarations.

A. Mignone (
July 31, 2014

Definition in file structs.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct CMD_LINE Cmd_Line
typedef struct DATA Data

The Data structure contains the main solution 3D arrays used by the code.

typedef struct FLOAT_VECT Float_Vect
typedef struct GRID Grid

The PLUTO Grid structure contains information pertaining to the computational mesh in a specific 1D coordinate direction. Since PLUTO assumes a logically rectangular system of coordinates, the whole computational domain is obtained as the cartesian product of 2 or 3 grid structures.
In parallel, each processor owns a different portion of the domain and the grid structures will be different. For this reason, in the following member description, we use the word "global" or "local" to refer the the whole computational domain or to the sub-domain owned by a single processor.

Similarly, variables ending with a "glob" suffix are intended to be global, i.e., they refer to the whole computational stencil and not to the local processor sub-domain.

typedef struct IMAGE Image
typedef struct INDEX Index
typedef struct INT_LIST intList

The List defines a collection of integer values typically used as argument to the FOR_EACH() macro.

typedef struct OUTPUT Output

The Output structure contains essential information for I/O.

typedef struct RBOX RBox

The RBox (= Rectangular Box) defines a rectangular portion of the domain in terms of the grid indices [ib,jb,kb] corresponding to the lower corner and [ie,je,ke] corresponding to the upper corner. The integer vpos specifies the variable location with respect to the grid (e.g. center/staggered).

The lower and upper grid indices may also be reversed (e.g. box->ib > box->ie). In this case the macro BOX_LOOP automatically reset the directional increment (box->di) to -1.
typedef struct RESTART Restart
typedef struct RGB RGB
typedef struct RUNTIME Runtime

The Runtime structure contains runtime initialization parameters read from pluto.ini (or equivalent).

typedef struct STATE_1D State_1D

This structure contains one-dimensional vectors of conserved variables, primitive variables, fluxes and so on, used during the reconstruct-Solve-Average strategy. It is a frequently passed to the Riemann solver routines, source and flux functions, etc.

typedef struct TABLE2D Table2D
typedef struct TIME_STEP Time_Step

The Time_Step structure contains essential information for determining the time step.