input_data.c File Reference

Provide basic functionality for reading input data files. More...

#include "pluto.h"
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#define ID_MAX_NVAR   256


void InputDataSet (char *grid_fname, int *get_var)
void InputDataRead (char *data_fname, char *endianity)
void InputDataInterpolate (double *vs, double x1, double x2, double x3)
void InputDataFree (void)


static int id_nvar
 Number of variables to be read on input. More...
static int id_var_indx [ID_MAX_NVAR]
 The variable index. More...
static int id_nx1
 Size of input grid in the x1 direction. More...
static int id_nx2
 Size of input grid in the x2 direction. More...
static int id_nx3
 Size of input grid in the x3 direction. More...
static int id_geom
 Geometry of the input grid. More...
static double * id_x1
 Array of point coordinates of the x1 input grid. More...
static double * id_x2
 Array of point coordinates of the x2 input grid. More...
static double * id_x3
 Array of point coordinates of the x3 input grid. More...
static double *** Vin [ID_MAX_NVAR]
 An array of 3D data values containing the initial data file variables. More...

Detailed Description

Provide basic functionality for reading input data files.

Collects a number of functions for opening, reading and assigning initial conditions from user-supplied data file(s). The geometry and dimensions of the input grid can be different from the actual grid employed by PLUTO, as long as the coordinate geometry transformation has been implemented. The input grid and data files should employ the same format and conventions employed by PLUTO.

  • Gridfile: coordinates should be written using the PLUTO 4.0 grid format.
  • Datafile: variables should be written in sequence in a single binary file using single or double precision. The file extension must be ".flt" or ".dbl" for the former and the latter, respectively.

    Note that not all of the variables should be present and the input array ::get_var specifies which ones are to be searched for.

The InputDataSet() initialize the module and by assigning values to global variables such as size, geometry and dimensions of the input grid. Data values are read through the function InputDataRead() while InputDataInterpolate() can be finally used to map input data onto the grid employed by PLUTO using bi- or tri-linear interpolation to fill the data array at the desired coordinate location.

A. Mignone (
P. Tzeferacos
Aug 27, 2012

Definition in file input_data.c.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ID_MAX_NVAR   256

Definition at line 36 of file input_data.c.

Function Documentation

void InputDataFree ( void  )

Free memory stored by user-supplied data.

Definition at line 484 of file input_data.c.

489 {
490  int nv;
491  for (nv = 0; nv < id_nvar; nv++){
492  free ((char *) Vin[nv][0][0]);
493  free ((char *) Vin[nv][0]);
494  free ((char *) Vin[nv]);
495  }
496 }
static double *** Vin[ID_MAX_NVAR]
An array of 3D data values containing the initial data file variables.
Definition: input_data.c:50
static int id_nvar
Number of variables to be read on input.
Definition: input_data.c:38
void InputDataInterpolate ( double *  vs,
double  x1,
double  x2,
double  x3 

Perform bi- or tri-linear interpolation on external dataset to compute vs[] at the given point {x1,x2,x3}.

[in]vsinterpolated value
[in]x1coordinate point at which at interpolates are desired
[in]x2coordinate point at which at interpolates are desired
[in]x3coordinate point at which at interpolates are desired
This function has no return value.

The function performs the following tasks.

  • Convert PLUTO coordinates to input grid geometry if necessary.
  • Make sure point (x1,x2,x3) does not fall outside input grid range. Limit to input grid edge otherwise.
  • Use table lookup by binary search to find the indices il, jl and kl such that grid points of PLUTO fall between [il, il+1], [jl, jl+1], [kl, kl+1].
  • Define normalized coordinates between [0,1]:
    • x[il+1] < x1[i] < x[il+1] ==> 0 < xx < 1
    • y[jl+1] < x2[j] < y[jl+1] ==> 0 < yy < 1
    • z[kl+1] < x3[k] < z[kl+1] ==> 0 < zz < 1
  • Perform bi- or tri-linear interpolation.

Definition at line 287 of file input_data.c.

300 {
301  int il = 0, jl = 0, kl = 0;
302  int ih, jh, kh;
303  int im, jm, km;
304  int i, j, k, nv, inv;
305  double xx, yy, zz;
306  double ***V;
308 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
309 /*! - Convert PLUTO coordinates to input grid geometry if necessary. */
310 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
313  if (id_geom == GEOMETRY) {
315  /* same coordinate system: nothing to do */
317  }else if (id_geom == CYLINDRICAL) {
318  double R, z, phi;
319  R = sqrt(x1*x1 + x2*x2);
320  phi = atan2(x2,x1);
321  if (phi < 0.0) phi += 2.0*CONST_PI;
322  z = x3;
324  x1 = R; x2 = z; x3 = phi;
325  }else if (id_geom == POLAR) {
326  double R, phi, z;
327  R = sqrt(x1*x1 + x2*x2);
328  phi = atan2(x2,x1);
329  if (phi < 0.0) phi += 2.0*CONST_PI;
330  z = x3;
332  x1 = R; x2 = phi; x3 = z;
333  }else if (id_geom == SPHERICAL){
334  double r, theta, phi;
335  r = D_EXPAND(x1*x1, + x2*x2, + x3*x3);
336  r = sqrt(r);
337  theta = acos(x3/r);
338  phi = atan2(x2,x1);
339  if (phi < 0.0) phi += 2.0*CONST_PI;
340  if (theta < 0.0) theta += 2.0*CONST_PI;
342  x1 = r; x2 = theta; x3 = phi;
343  }else{
344  print1 ("! InputDataInterpolate: invalid or unsupported coordinate transformation.\n");
345  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
346  }
348  if (id_geom == GEOMETRY) {
350  /* same coordinate system: nothing to do */
352  }else if (id_geom == SPHERICAL) {
353  double r, theta, phi;
354  r = D_EXPAND(x1*x1, + x2*x2, + 0.0);
355  r = sqrt(r);
356  theta = acos(x2/r);
357  phi = 0.0;
358  if (theta < 0.0) theta += 2.0*CONST_PI;
360  x1 = r; x2 = theta; x3 = phi;
361  }else{
362  print1 ("! InputDataInterpolate: invalid or unsupported coordinate transformation.\n");
363  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
364  }
365  #elif GEOMETRY == POLAR
366  if (id_geom == GEOMETRY) {
368  /* same coordinate system: nothing to do */
370  }else if (id_geom == CARTESIAN) {
371  double x, y, z;
372  x = x1*cos(x2);
373  y = x1*sin(x2);
374  z = x3;
376  x1 = x; x2 = y; x3 = z;
377  }else{
378  print1 ("! InputDataInterpolate: invalid or unsupported coordinate transformation.\n");
379  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
380  }
382  if (id_geom == GEOMETRY) {
384  /* same coordinate system: nothing to do */
387  }else if (id_geom == CARTESIAN) {
388  double x, y, z;
389  x = x1*sin(x2)*cos(x3);
390  y = x1*sin(x2)*sin(x3);
391  z = x1*cos(x2);
393  x1 = x; x2 = y; x3 = z;
394  }else{
395  print1 ("! InputDataInterpolate: invalid or unsupported coordinate transformation.\n");
396  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
397  }
398  #endif
400 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
401 /*! - Make sure point (x1,x2,x3) does not fall outside input grid range.
402  Limit to input grid edge otherwise. */
403 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
405  D_EXPAND(if (x1 < id_x1[0]) x1 = id_x1[0];
406  else if (x1 > id_x1[id_nx1-1]) x1 = id_x1[id_nx1-1]; ,
408  if (x2 < id_x2[0]) x2 = id_x2[0];
409  else if (x2 > id_x2[id_nx2-1]) x2 = id_x2[id_nx2-1]; ,
411  if (x3 < id_x3[0]) x3 = id_x3[0];
412  else if (x3 > id_x3[id_nx3-1]) x3 = id_x3[id_nx3-1]; )
414 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
415 /*! - Use table lookup by binary search to find the indices
416  il, jl and kl such that grid points of PLUTO fall between
417  [il, il+1], [jl, jl+1], [kl, kl+1]. */
418 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
420  il = 0;
421  ih = id_nx1 - 1;
422  while (il != (ih-1)){
423  im = (il+ih)/2;
424  if (x1 <= id_x1[im]) ih = im;
425  else il = im;
426  }
428  if (id_nx2 > 1){
429  jl = 0;
430  jh = id_nx2 - 1;
431  while (jl != (jh-1)){
432  jm = (jl+jh)/2;
433  if (x2 <= id_x2[jm]) jh = jm;
434  else jl = jm;
435  }
436  }
438  if (id_nx3 > 1){
439  kl = 0;
440  kh = id_nx3 - 1;
441  while (kl != (kh - 1)){
442  km = (kl+kh)/2;
443  if (x3 <= id_x3[km]) kh = km;
444  else kl = km;
445  }
446  }
448 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
449 /*! - Define normalized coordinates between [0,1]:
450  - x[il+1] < x1[i] < x[il+1] ==> 0 < xx < 1
451  - y[jl+1] < x2[j] < y[jl+1] ==> 0 < yy < 1
452  - z[kl+1] < x3[k] < z[kl+1] ==> 0 < zz < 1 */
453 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
455  xx = yy = zz = 0.0; /* initialize normalized coordinates */
457  if (id_nx1 > 1) xx = (x1 - id_x1[il])/(id_x1[il+1] - id_x1[il]);
458  if (id_nx2 > 1) yy = (x2 - id_x2[jl])/(id_x2[jl+1] - id_x2[jl]);
459  if (id_nx3 > 1) zz = (x3 - id_x3[kl])/(id_x3[kl+1] - id_x3[kl]);
461 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
462 /*! - Perform bi- or tri-linear interpolation. */
463 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
465  for (nv = 0; nv < id_nvar; nv++) {
466  inv = id_var_indx[nv];
467  V = Vin[nv];
468  vs[inv] = V[kl][jl][il]*(1.0 - xx)*(1.0 - yy)*(1.0 - zz)
469  + V[kl][jl][il+1]*xx*(1.0 - yy)*(1.0 - zz);
470  if (id_nx2 > 1){
471  vs[inv] += V[kl][jl+1][il]*(1.0 - xx)*yy*(1.0 - zz)
472  + V[kl][jl+1][il+1]*xx*yy*(1.0 - zz);
473  }
474  if (id_nx3 > 1){
475  vs[inv] += V[kl+1][jl][il]*(1.0 - xx)*(1.0 - yy)*zz
476  + V[kl+1][jl][il+1]*xx*(1.0 - yy)*zz
477  + V[kl+1][jl+1][il]*(1.0 - xx)*yy*zz
478  + V[kl+1][jl+1][il+1]*xx*yy*zz;
479  }
480  }
481 }
static double * id_x2
Array of point coordinates of the x2 input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:47
static int id_var_indx[ID_MAX_NVAR]
The variable index.
Definition: input_data.c:39
void print1(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:511
static int id_nx3
Size of input grid in the x3 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:42
static double *** Vin[ID_MAX_NVAR]
An array of 3D data values containing the initial data file variables.
Definition: input_data.c:50
Definition: pluto.h:36
static int id_nx1
Size of input grid in the x1 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:40
#define POLAR
Definition: pluto.h:35
static double * id_x1
Array of point coordinates of the x1 input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:46
static int id_nx2
Size of input grid in the x2 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:41
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
int k
Definition: analysis.c:2
#define GEOMETRY
Definition: definitions_01.h:4
Definition: pluto.h:33
Definition: pluto.h:34
static int id_geom
Geometry of the input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:44
D_EXPAND(tot/[n]=(double) grid[IDIR].np_int_glob;, tot/[n]=(double) grid[JDIR].np_int_glob;, tot/[n]=(double) grid[KDIR].np_int_glob;)
Definition: analysis.c:27
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
#define CONST_PI
Definition: pluto.h:269
static int id_nvar
Number of variables to be read on input.
Definition: input_data.c:38
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125
static double * id_x3
Array of point coordinates of the x3 input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:48

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void InputDataRead ( char *  data_fname,
char *  endianity 

Read input data file and store the contents into the local storage array Vin. Memory allocation is also done here. The grid size and number of variables must have previously set by calling InputDataSet().

[in]data_fnamethe data file name
[in]endianityan input string ("little" or "big") giving the byte-order of how the input data file was originally written. If an empty string is supplied, no change is made.
This function has no return value.

Definition at line 191 of file input_data.c.

206 {
207  int i, j, k, nv, swap_endian=NO;
208  size_t dsize, dcount;
209  double udbl;
210  float uflt;
211  char ext[] = " ";
212  FILE *fp;
214 /* ----------------------------------------------------
215  Check endianity
216  ---------------------------------------------------- */
218  if ( (!strcmp(endianity,"big") && IsLittleEndian()) ||
219  (!strcmp(endianity,"little") && !IsLittleEndian())) {
220  swap_endian = YES;
221  }
223  print1 (" Input data file: %s (endianity: %s) \n",
224  data_fname, endianity);
226 /* ------------------------------------------------------
227  Get data type from file extensions (dbl or flt).
228  ------------------------------------------------------ */
230  dcount = strlen(data_fname);
231  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) ext[i] = data_fname[dcount-3+i];
233  if (!strcmp(ext,"dbl")){
234  print1 (" Precision: (double)\n");
235  dsize = sizeof(double);
236  } else if (!strcmp(ext,"flt")) {
237  print1 (" Precision:\t\t (single)\n");
238  dsize = sizeof(float);
239  } else {
240  print1 ("! InputDataRead: unsupported data type '%s'\n",ext);
241  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
242  }
244 /* -------------------------------------------------------
245  Read and store data values
246  ------------------------------------------------------- */
248  fp = fopen(data_fname, "rb");
249  if (fp == NULL){
250  print1 ("! InputDataRead: file %s does not exist\n");
251  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
252  }
253  for (nv = 0; nv < id_nvar; nv++){
254  if (Vin[nv] == NULL) Vin[nv] = ARRAY_3D(id_nx3, id_nx2, id_nx1, double);
256  dcount = 1;
258  if (dsize == sizeof(double)){
259  for (k = 0; k < id_nx3; k++){
260  for (j = 0; j < id_nx2; j++){
261  for (i = 0; i < id_nx1; i++){
262  if (fread (&udbl, dsize, dcount, fp) != dcount){
263  print1 ("! InputDataRead: error reading data %d.\n",nv);
264  break;
265  }
266  if (swap_endian) SWAP_VAR(udbl);
267  Vin[nv][k][j][i] = udbl;
268  }}}
269  }else{
270  for (k = 0; k < id_nx3; k++){
271  for (j = 0; j < id_nx2; j++){
272  for (i = 0; i < id_nx1; i++){
273  if (fread (&uflt, dsize, dcount, fp) != dcount){
274  print1 ("! InputDataRead: error reading data %d.\n",nv);
275  break;
276  }
277  if (swap_endian) SWAP_VAR(uflt);
278  Vin[nv][k][j][i] = uflt;
279  }}}
280  }
281  }
282  fclose(fp);
283  print1 ("\n");
284 }
void print1(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:511
static int id_nx3
Size of input grid in the x3 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:42
static double *** Vin[ID_MAX_NVAR]
An array of 3D data values containing the initial data file variables.
Definition: input_data.c:50
#define YES
Definition: pluto.h:25
#define ARRAY_3D(nx, ny, nz, type)
Definition: prototypes.h:172
static int id_nx1
Size of input grid in the x1 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:40
#define SWAP_VAR(x)
Definition: macros.h:115
static int id_nx2
Size of input grid in the x2 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:41
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
int IsLittleEndian(void)
Definition: tools.c:40
int k
Definition: analysis.c:2
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
FILE * fp
Definition: analysis.c:7
static int id_nvar
Number of variables to be read on input.
Definition: input_data.c:38
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125
#define NO
Definition: pluto.h:26

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void InputDataSet ( char *  grid_fname,
int *  get_var 

Initialize access to input data file by assigning values to grid-related information (geometry, number of points, etc...). This function should be called just once for input-data initialization.

[in]gnamethe grid file name
[in]get_varan array of integers specifying which variables have to be read from the input data.
Thi function has no return value.

The following tasks are performed.

  • Scan grid data file and try to determine the grid geometry (id_geom). Search for tag "GEOMETRY:" and read the word that follows.
  • Move file pointer until the first line that does not begin with a "#".
  • Start reading number of points and grid coordinates. For the input x1 direction these are stored inside the module variables id_nx1 and id_x1.
  • Find out how many and which variables we have to read (:id_nvar and id_var_indx). Stop counting variables as soon as the first occurrence of "-1" in get_var is encountered

Definition at line 54 of file input_data.c.

67 {
68  int i, ip, nv, success;
69  size_t dsize, dcount;
70  char *sub_str, sline[256];
71  const char delimiters[] = " \t\r\f\n";
72  double xl, xr;
73  fpos_t file_pos;
74  FILE *fp;
76  print1 ("> Input data:\n\n");
78 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
79 /*! - Scan grid data file and try to determine the grid geometry
80  (::id_geom). Search for tag "GEOMETRY:" and read the word that
81  follows. */
82 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
84  fp = fopen(grid_fname,"r");
85  if (fp == NULL){
86  print1 ("! InputDataSet: grid file %s not found\n",grid_fname);
87  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
88  }
89  success = 0;
90  while(!success){
91  fgets(sline,512,fp);
92  sub_str = strtok(sline, delimiters);
93  while (sub_str != NULL){
94  if (!strcmp(sub_str,"GEOMETRY:")) {
95  sub_str = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
96  success = 1;
97  break;
98  }
99  sub_str = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
100  }
101  }
103  if (!strcmp(sub_str,"CARTESIAN")) id_geom = CARTESIAN;
104  else if (!strcmp(sub_str,"CYLINDRICAL")) id_geom = CYLINDRICAL;
105  else if (!strcmp(sub_str,"POLAR")) id_geom = POLAR;
106  else if (!strcmp(sub_str,"SPHERICAL")) id_geom = SPHERICAL;
107  else{
108  print1 ("! InputDataSet: unknown geometry\n");
109  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
110  }
112  print1 (" Input grid file: %s\n", grid_fname);
113  print1 (" Input grid geometry: %s\n", sub_str);
115 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
116 /*! - Move file pointer until the first line that does not
117  begin with a "#". */
118 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
120  success = 0;
121  while(!success){
122  fgetpos(fp, &file_pos);
123  fgets(sline,512,fp);
124  if (sline[0] != '#') success = 1;
125  }
127  fsetpos(fp, &file_pos);
129 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
130 /*! - Start reading number of points and grid coordinates. For the
131  input x1 direction these are stored inside the module variables
132  ::id_nx1 and ::id_x1. */
133 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
135  fscanf (fp,"%d \n",&id_nx1);
136  id_x1 = ARRAY_1D(id_nx1, double);
137  for (i = 0; i < id_nx1; i++){
138  fscanf(fp,"%d %lf %lf\n", &ip, &xl, &xr);
139  id_x1[i] = 0.5*(xl + xr);
140  }
142  fscanf (fp,"%d \n",&id_nx2);
143  id_x2 = ARRAY_1D(id_nx2, double);
144  for (i = 0; i < id_nx2; i++){
145  fscanf(fp,"%d %lf %lf\n", &ip, &xl, &xr);
146  id_x2[i] = 0.5*(xl + xr);
147  }
149  fscanf (fp,"%d \n",&id_nx3);
150  id_x3 = ARRAY_1D(id_nx3, double);
151  for (i = 0; i < id_nx3; i++){
152  fscanf(fp,"%d %lf %lf\n", &ip, &xl, &xr);
153  id_x3[i] = 0.5*(xl + xr);
154  }
155  fclose(fp);
157 /* -- reset grid with 1 point -- */
159  if (id_nx1 == 1) id_x1[0] = 0.0;
160  if (id_nx2 == 1) id_x2[0] = 0.0;
161  if (id_nx3 == 1) id_x3[0] = 0.0;
163  print1 (" Input grid extension: x1 = [%12.3e, %12.3e] (%d points)\n",
164  id_x1[0], id_x1[id_nx1-1], id_nx1);
165  print1 ("\t\t\t x2 = [%12.3e, %12.3e] (%d points)\n",
166  id_x2[0], id_x2[id_nx2-1], id_nx2);
167  print1 ("\t\t\t x3 = [%12.3e, %12.3e] (%d points)\n",
168  id_x3[0], id_x3[id_nx3-1], id_nx3);
171 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
172 /*! - Find out how many and which variables we have to read (:id_nvar
173  and ::id_var_indx).
174  Stop counting variables as soon as the first occurrence of "-1"
175  in get_var is encountered */
176 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
178  id_nvar = 0;
179  for (nv = 0; nv < ID_MAX_NVAR; nv++){
180  if (get_var[nv] != -1) {
181  id_nvar++;
182  id_var_indx[nv] = get_var[nv];
183  }else{
184  break;
185  }
186  }
187  print1 (" Number of variables: %d\n",id_nvar);
188 }
static double * id_x2
Array of point coordinates of the x2 input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:47
static int id_var_indx[ID_MAX_NVAR]
The variable index.
Definition: input_data.c:39
void print1(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:511
static int id_nx3
Size of input grid in the x3 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:42
Definition: pluto.h:36
static int id_nx1
Size of input grid in the x1 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:40
#define POLAR
Definition: pluto.h:35
static double * id_x1
Array of point coordinates of the x1 input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:46
static int id_nx2
Size of input grid in the x2 direction.
Definition: input_data.c:41
Definition: pluto.h:33
Definition: pluto.h:34
#define ARRAY_1D(nx, type)
Definition: prototypes.h:170
static int id_geom
Geometry of the input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:44
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
FILE * fp
Definition: analysis.c:7
#define ID_MAX_NVAR
Definition: input_data.c:36
static int id_nvar
Number of variables to be read on input.
Definition: input_data.c:38
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125
static double * id_x3
Array of point coordinates of the x3 input grid.
Definition: input_data.c:48

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

int id_geom

Geometry of the input grid.

Definition at line 44 of file input_data.c.

int id_nvar

Number of variables to be read on input.

Definition at line 38 of file input_data.c.

int id_nx1

Size of input grid in the x1 direction.

Definition at line 40 of file input_data.c.

int id_nx2

Size of input grid in the x2 direction.

Definition at line 41 of file input_data.c.

int id_nx3

Size of input grid in the x3 direction.

Definition at line 42 of file input_data.c.

int id_var_indx[ID_MAX_NVAR]

The variable index.

Definition at line 39 of file input_data.c.

double* id_x1

Array of point coordinates of the x1 input grid.

Definition at line 46 of file input_data.c.

double* id_x2

Array of point coordinates of the x2 input grid.

Definition at line 47 of file input_data.c.

double* id_x3

Array of point coordinates of the x3 input grid.

Definition at line 48 of file input_data.c.

double*** Vin[ID_MAX_NVAR]

An array of 3D data values containing the initial data file variables.

Definition at line 50 of file input_data.c.