Poster Promotion Video & Poster Presentation

General Rules on the movie

[Maximum size] 50MB
[The lenght] shorter than 1min
[Names, title, affiriation] please add your title, name, affiriation at the beginig so that the editor can easily recognize.
[Format] The movie will be merged using imovie by the editor. The format that imovie can directely read (imovie file formats), i.e., MPEG-4, Quicktime, MPEG-2, AVCHD, and DV&HDV is appreciated.
[margin] The first and last second might be trimmed while editting, so keeping a little margen at the begining and the end is recommended.

How to create a good movie

[Step 0] Please look at an example created by Kushino-san.

if you can not see it above, please directly visit

[Step 1] collect photos, or movies that you want to present
[Step 2] Put the photos and movies into imovie (mac) or movie maker (windows), or anything else.
Another easy way to create a movie is to store your powerpoint file or keynote file as a movie. You can save your screen using, for exam, quick time player.
[Step 3] Add title, your name, affiliation using text box (imovie) or text frame (movie maker).
[Step 4] Add voice (imovie) or voice (movie maker).
[Step 5] Add Ken Burns Effect in imovie or movie maker.
[Step 6] Add background music if you like, and other supplemental effects.
[Step 7] Adjust the length to be less than one minute.
[Step 8] Export the movie. Super-high resolution should not be chosen. Standard or computer use is sufficient for our display. A file size should be less than 50MB.
[Step 8] Upload the movie file to the web page (


About Poster presentation 
poster is a must, a movie is an optional

a) Size of a poster board: H:2000 mm x W: 860 mm
b) lift-up time Sunday Evening 17:00-19:00 or Monday Morning 8:00-8:55
c) fall-down Time by Friday 14:00


Notes on the poster

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