Experimental Astrophysics group in Tokyo Metropolitan University, X-ray Astronomy & Astrophysics


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DIOS 関係の論文

  • T. Ohashi et al. “DIOS: the Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor”, Proc. SPIE 6266-18 (2006) [astro-ph/0607127]
  • Y. Tawara et al. “The demonstration model of four-stage X-ray telescope for DIOS mission”, Proc. SPIE 6266-51 (2006) [PDF]
  • H. Kawahara et al. “Soft X-Ray Transmission Spectroscopy of a Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium with XEUS”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 58 (2006) pp.657-672 [astro-ph/0504594]
  • Y. Tawara et al. “Development of a four-stage x-ray telescope for DIOS mission”, Proc. SPIE 5900 (2005)
  • Y. Ishisaki et al. “Development of a microcalorimeter array for the Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor (DIOS) mission”, Proc. SPIE 5501 (2004) [PDF]
  • Y. Tawara et al. “Development of a four-stage x-ray telescope for the DIOS (Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor) mission”, Proc. SPIE 5488 (2004)
  • Y. Tawara et al. “Development of four-stage x-ray telescope for wide-field fine spectroscopic mission”, Proc. SPIE 5168 (2004)
  • K. Yoshikawa et al. “Locating the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in the Simulated Local Universe”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 56 (2004) pp.939-957 [astro-ph/0408140]
  • T. Ohashi et al. “Future Japanese missions for the study of warm-hot intergalactic medium”, in Proceedings of Vulcano Workshop on Modelling the IGM and ICM (2003) [PDF]
  • K. Yoshikawa et al. “Detectability of Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium through the Emission Lines of OVII and OVIII”, in Proceedings of Vulcano Workshop on Modelling the IGM and ICM (2003) [PDF]
  • 満田和久 他「小型衛星による高エネルギー宇宙観測と宇宙の大規模構造を探る広視野X線分光ミッション DIOS」, 第4回高宇連研究会集録 (2003) [PDF]
  • Y. Suto “Simulations of Large-Scale Structure in the New Millennium”, Invited review for IAU symposium 216 “Maps of the Cosmos” (2003) [astro-ph/0311575]
  • 須藤靖「銀河・銀河団形成シミュレーション」, 日本天文学会 会誌 天文月報 96 (2003) 11月号 pp.601-607 [PDF]
  • K. Yoshikawa, N. Y. Yamasaki, Y. Suto, T. Ohashi, K. Mitsuda, Y. Tawara, A. Furuzawa “Detectability of Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium Through Emission Lines of OVII and OVIII”, Proceedings of the workshop “Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies”, eds. T. Ohashi and N. Y. Yamasaki (2003) pp.167-170 (2003) [PDF]
  • K. Yoshikawa, N. Y. Yamasaki, Y. Suto, T. Ohashi, K. Mitsuda, Y. Tawara, A. Furuzawa “Detectability of the Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium Through Emission Lines of OVII and OVIII”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 55 (2003) pp.879-890 [astro-ph/0303281]