math_table2D.c File Reference

Miscellaneous functions for handling 2D tables. More...

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void PlotCubic (double a, double b, double c, double d)
void InitializeTable2D (Table2D *tab, double xmin, double xmax, int nx, double ymin, double ymax, int ny)
void FinalizeTable2D (Table2D *tab)
int LocateIndex (double *yarr, int beg, int end, double y)
int InverseLookupTable2D (Table2D *tab, double y, double f, double *x)
int Table2DInterpolate (Table2D *tab, double x, double y, double *f)
void WriteBinaryTable2D (char *fname, Table2D *tab)

Detailed Description

Miscellaneous functions for handling 2D tables.

A. Mignone (
March 16, 2015

Definition in file math_table2D.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 194 of file math_table2D.c.

Function Documentation

void FinalizeTable2D ( Table2D tab)

Definition at line 121 of file math_table2D.c.

125 {
126  int i,j;
128 /* -------------------------------------------------------
129  Compute forward differences
130  ------------------------------------------------------- */
132  for (j = 0; j < tab->ny; j++){
133  for (i = 0; i < tab->nx-1; i++){
134  tab->dfx[j][i] = tab->f[j][i+1] - tab->f[j][i];
135  }}
136  for (j = 0; j < tab->ny-1; j++){
137  for (i = 0; i < tab->nx; i++){
138  tab->dfy[j][i] = tab->f[j+1][i] - tab->f[j][i];
139  }}
141 }
int nx
Number of columns or points in the x direction.
Definition: structs.h:174
double ** f
Definition: structs.h:186
double ** dfx
Definition: structs.h:193
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
int ny
Number of rows or points in the y direction.
Definition: structs.h:175
double ** dfy
Definition: structs.h:194
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void InitializeTable2D ( Table2D tab,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
int  nx,
double  ymin,
double  ymax,
int  ny 

Allocate memory for the arrays contained in the *tab structure and generate a uniformly spaced grid in log10(x), log10(y) within the range provided by xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax. On output, the function initializes the following structure members:

  • nx, ny
  • lnxmin, lnxmax, lnymin, lnymax
  • lnx[], lny[]
  • dlnx, dlny
  • dlnx_1, dlny_1
  • x[], y[]
  • dx[], dy[]
[in,out]tabpointer to a Table2D structure
[in]xminlower column limit.
[in]xmaxupper column limit.
[in]nxnumber of equally-spaced column bins (in log space)
[in]yminlower row limit.
[in]ymaxupper row limit.
[in]nynumber of equally-spaced row bins (in log space)

Definition at line 15 of file math_table2D.c.

40 {
41  int i,j;
43  tab->nx = nx;
44  tab->ny = ny;
46 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
47  If you do not initialize a structure variable, the effect depends on
48  whether it is has static storage (see Storage Class Specifiers) or
49  not.
50  If it is, members with integral types are initialized with 0 and
51  pointer members are initialized to NULL; otherwise, the value of
52  the structure's members is indeterminate.
53  ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
55  tab->f = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, double); /* function value */
56  tab->a = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, double); /* cubic coefficient (x^3) */
57  tab->b = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, double);
58  tab->c = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, double);
59  tab->d = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, double);
61  tab->defined = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, char);
62  for (i = 0; i < tab->nx; i++){
63  for (j = 0; j < tab->ny; j++) tab->f[j][i] = 0.0;
64  for (j = 0; j < tab->ny; j++) tab->defined[j][i] = 1;
65  }
67  tab->interpolation = LINEAR; /* Default */
69  tab->lnx = ARRAY_1D(tab->nx, double);
70  tab->lny = ARRAY_1D(tab->ny, double);
72  tab->x = ARRAY_1D(tab->nx, double);
73  tab->y = ARRAY_1D(tab->ny, double);
75  tab->dx = ARRAY_1D(tab->nx, double);
76  tab->dy = ARRAY_1D(tab->ny, double);
78  tab->dfx = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, double);
79  tab->dfy = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nx, double);
80 /*
81  -- (beta) function index bookeeping --
82  tab->fmin = ARRAY_1D(tab->ny, double);
83  tab->fmax = ARRAY_1D(tab->ny, double);
84  tab->df = ARRAY_1D(tab->ny, double);
85  tab->nf = 256;
86  tab->i = ARRAY_2D(tab->ny, tab->nf, int);
87 */
89 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
90  Compute table bounds
91  --------------------------------------------------------------- */
93  tab->lnxmin = log10(xmin);
94  tab->lnxmax = log10(xmax);
95  tab->lnymin = log10(ymin);
96  tab->lnymax = log10(ymax);
98  tab->dlnx = (tab->lnxmax - tab->lnxmin)/(double)(tab->nx - 1.0);
99  tab->dlny = (tab->lnymax - tab->lnymin)/(double)(tab->ny - 1.0);
101  tab->dlnx_1 = 1.0/tab->dlnx;
102  tab->dlny_1 = 1.0/tab->dlny;
104  for (i = 0; i < tab->nx; i++) {
105  tab->lnx[i] = tab->lnxmin + i*tab->dlnx;
106  tab->x[i] = pow(10.0, tab->lnx[i]);
107  }
109  for (j = 0; j < tab->ny; j++) {
110  tab->lny[j] = tab->lnymin + j*tab->dlny;
111  tab->y[j] = pow(10.0, tab->lny[j]);
112  }
114 /* -- table will not be uniform in x and y: compute spacings -- */
116  for (i = 0; i < tab->nx-1; i++) tab->dx[i] = tab->x[i+1] - tab->x[i];
117  for (j = 0; j < tab->ny-1; j++) tab->dy[j] = tab->y[j+1] - tab->y[j];
119 }
double * y
array of y-values (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:181
int nx
Number of columns or points in the x direction.
Definition: structs.h:174
double dlny_1
Definition: structs.h:205
#define LINEAR
Definition: pluto.h:212
double ** f
Definition: structs.h:186
double ** a
Spline coefficient (x^3)
Definition: structs.h:188
double ** c
Spline coefficient (x)
Definition: structs.h:190
double ** b
Spline coefficient (x^2)
Definition: structs.h:189
double * dy
grid spacing array in the y direction (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:183
double ** dfx
Definition: structs.h:193
double dlnx_1
Definition: structs.h:204
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
double lnxmax
upper limit (in log10) in the x-direction
Definition: structs.h:199
int ny
Number of rows or points in the y direction.
Definition: structs.h:175
double ** dfy
Definition: structs.h:194
double * lny
array of log10(y) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:185
double dlnx
uniform spacing in log10(x)
Definition: structs.h:202
int interpolation
Definition: structs.h:177
#define ARRAY_1D(nx, type)
Definition: prototypes.h:170
double lnymax
upper limit (in log10) in the y-direction
Definition: structs.h:201
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
double * lnx
array of log10(x) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:184
double dlny
uniform spacing in log10(y)
Definition: structs.h:203
double lnxmin
lower limit (in log10) in the x-direction
Definition: structs.h:198
double lnymin
lower limit (in log10) in the y-direction
Definition: structs.h:200
#define ARRAY_2D(nx, ny, type)
Definition: prototypes.h:171
char ** defined
Definition: structs.h:173
double ** d
Spline coefficiten (1)
Definition: structs.h:191
double * dx
grid spacing array in the x direction (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:182
double * x
array of x-values (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:180

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int InverseLookupTable2D ( Table2D tab,
double  y,
double  f,
double *  x 

Perform inverse lookup table interpolation: given a 2D table f(i,j)=f(x(i), y(j)) and the value of y, find the value of x. The algorithm proceeds by a combination of 1D lookup table algorithms:

  • Find the value of j such that y[j]<y<y[j+1];
  • The solution must then lie on the intermediate line between j and j+1 where the value of y is given.
  • To find the horizontal coordinate, we first locate initial and final indices ib and ie at j and j+1 using 1D lookup table.
  • Then construct a 1D array between these two indices values, perform again 1D lookup table to find the actual index i and invert the bilinear interpolant by solving

    \[ f = f_{i,j}(1 - x_n)(1 - y_n) + f_{i+1,j}x_n(1 - y_n) + f_{i,j+1}(1 - x_n)y_n + f_{i+1,j+1}x_ny_n; \]

    for $ x_n$ (normlized coordinate between 0 and 1).
The table must be monotonic in both and y.
[in]taba pointer to a Table2D structure
[in]ythe ordinata
[in]fthe value of the function
[out]*xthe value of the abscissa.
Returns 0 on success, otherwise:
  • -2 if y is below range;
  • 2 if y is above range.

Definition at line 196 of file math_table2D.c.

229 {
230  int i, j, k, i0, i1, ib, ie;
231  double lny, xn, yn;
232  double **ftab, **dfx, **dfy;
233  static double *f1;
235  if (f1 == NULL) f1 = ARRAY_1D(8192, double);
237  ftab = tab->f;
238  dfx = tab->dfx;
239  dfy = tab->dfy;
241  lny = log10(y);
242  if (lny < tab->lnymin){
243  print ("! InverseLookupTable2D: lny outside range: %12.6e < %12.6e\n",
244  lny, tab->lnymin);
245  return -2;
246  }
247  if (lny > tab->lnymax){
248  print ("! InverseLookupTable2D: lny outside range: %12.6e > %12.6e\n",
249  lny, tab->lnymax);
250  return 2;
251  }
253  j = INT_FLOOR((lny - tab->lnymin)*tab->dlny_1); /* Find row */
255  yn = (lny - tab->lny[j])/tab->dlny;
256  #else
257  yn = (y - tab->y[j])/tab->dy[j];
258  #endif
260  i0 = LocateIndex(tab->f[j], 0, tab->nx-1, f);
261  i1 = LocateIndex(tab->f[j+1], 0, tab->nx-1, f);
263  if (i0 < 0 || i1 < 0) return 2;
265  ib = MIN(i0,i1);
266  ie = MAX(i0,i1) + 1;
268  if (ie > (ib+1)){
269  for (i = ib; i <= ie; i++) {
270  f1[i] = tab->f[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->f[j+1][i]*yn;
271  }
272  i = LocateIndex(f1, ib, ie, f);
273  }else{
274  i = ib;
275  }
277 /* -----------------------------------------------
278  Find xn in [0,1]
279  ----------------------------------------------- */
281  if (tab->interpolation == LINEAR || tab->a[j][i] == 0.0){
283  xn = f - ftab[j][i] - yn*dfy[j][i];
284  xn /= yn*(dfx[j+1][i] - dfx[j][i]) + dfx[j][i];
286  }else if (tab->interpolation == SPLINE1 || tab->interpolation == SPLINE2){
287  double a,b,c,d;
289 #if 1 /* Use Newton-Raphson */
290  int kmax = 6;
291  double fn, dfn, d2fn, dxn;
293  a = tab->a[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->a[j+1][i]*yn;
294  b = tab->b[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->b[j+1][i]*yn;
295  c = tab->c[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->c[j+1][i]*yn;
296  d = tab->d[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->d[j+1][i]*yn - f;
298  /* -- Initial guess is provided using linear interpolation -- */
300  xn = f - ftab[j][i] - yn*dfy[j][i];
301  xn /= yn*(dfx[j+1][i] - dfx[j][i]) + dfx[j][i];
303  /* -- solve cubic using Newton's method -- */
305  for (k = 0; k <= kmax; k++){
306  fn = d + xn*(c + xn*(b + xn*a));
307  dfn = c + xn*(2.0*b + 3.0*a*xn);
308  dxn = fn/dfn;
309  xn -= dxn;
310  if (fabs(dxn) < 1.e-11) break;
311  if (k == kmax){
312  printf ("! InverseLookupTable2D(): too many iterations in Newton-cubic\n");
313  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
314  }
315  }
317  /* -- solve cubic using Halley's method -- */
318 /*
319  for (k = 0; k <= kmax; k++){
320  fn = d + xn*(c + xn*(b + xn*a));
321  dfn = c + xn*(2.0*b + 3.0*a*xn);
322  d2fn = 2.0*b + 6.0*a*xn;
323  dxn = fn*dfn/(dfn*dfn - 0.5*d2fn*fn);
324  xn -= dxn;
325  if (fabs(dxn) < 1.e-11) break;
326  if (k == kmax){
327  printf ("! InverseLookupTable2D(): too many iterations in Newton-cubic\n");
328  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
329  }
330  }
331 */
332  if (xn < 0.0 || xn > 1.0) {
333  PlotCubic(a,b,c,d);
334  print ("! InverseLookupTable2D(): no root in [0,1]; i,j = %d,%d\n",i,j);
335  print ("! xn = %8.3e\n",xn);
336  print ("! Cubic tabulated in 'cubic.dat'\n");
337  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
338  }
340 #else /* Use standard cubic solver (Numerical recipe, Sect. 5.6) */
341  double Q, R, A, B, R_Q;
342  double sn, cn, tn, sQ, th, xf;
344  /* Re-write the cubic as xn^3 + aa*xn^2 + bb*xn + cc */
346  a = tab->a[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->a[j+1][i]*yn;
347  b = tab->b[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->b[j+1][i]*yn;
348  c = tab->c[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->c[j+1][i]*yn;
349  d = tab->d[j][i]*(1.0 - yn) + tab->d[j+1][i]*yn - f;
351  b /= a;
352  c /= a;
353  d /= a;
355  Q = (b*b - 3.0*c)/9.0; /* Eq. [5.6.10] */
356  R = (2.0*b*b*b - 9.0*b*c + 27.0*d)/54.0; /* Eq. [5.6.10] */
357  R_Q = R/Q;
358  if (R_Q*R_Q <= Q){ /*** First case: 3 real roots ***/
359  sQ = sqrt(Q);
360  th = acos(R_Q/sQ); /* Eq. [5.6.11] */
361  tn = tan(th/3.0);
362  cn = 1.0/sqrt(1.0 + tn*tn);
363  sn = cn*tn;
365  /* The three roots are given by Eq. (5.6.12) of Numerical Recipe
366  (we switch x3 <-> x2 so that one can verify that x1 < x2 < x3 always):
368  x1 = -2.0*sQ*cos(th/3.0) - aa/3.0;
369  x2 = -2.0*sQ*cos((th - 2.0*CONST_PI)/3.0) - aa/3.0;
370  x3 = -2.0*sQ*cos((th + 2.0*CONST_PI)/3.0) - aa/3.0;
372  To avoid loss of precsion we use
374  cos((th + 2pi/3) = cos(th/3)*cos(2pi/3) - sin(th/3)*sin(2pi/3)
375  cos((th - 2pi/3) = cos(th/3)*cos(2pi/3) + sin(th/3)*sin(2pi/3)
377  Using the fact that the roots must lie in [0,1] and that the spline
378  is monotonically increasing, this is how we pick up the solution: */
381  if ( a > 0.0 ){ /* Cubic goes from -inf to +inf: only x1 or x3 */
382  /* can be the correct root. */
383  xf = -b/3.0; /* Check inflection point to decide which one. */
384  if (xf < 0.0) xn = sQ*(cn + sqrt(3.0)*sn) - b/3.0; /* = x3 (Eq. [5.6.12])*/
385  else xn = -2.0*sQ*cn - b/3.0; /* = x1 (Eq. [5.6.12]) */
386  } else { /* Cubic goes from +inf to -inf: only x2 */
387  /* can be the correct root. */
388  xn = sQ*(cn - sqrt(3.0)*sn) - b/3.0; /* = x2 (Eq. [5.6.12]) */
389  }
391  }else{ /*** Second case: one root only ***/
392  A = Q/R;
393  A = fabs(R)*(1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - A*A*Q));
394  A = -DSIGN(R)*pow(A, 1.0/3.0); /* Eq. [5.6.15] */
395  if (A == 0) B = 0.0;
396  else B = Q/A;
397  xn = (A + B) - b/3.0; /* Eq. [5.6.17] */
398  }
400  if (xn < 0.0 || xn > 1.0) {
401  PlotCubic(a,b,c,d);
402  print ("! InverseLookupTable2D(): no root in [0,1]; i,j = %d,%d\n",i,j);
403  print ("! xn = %8.3e\n",xn);
404  print ("! R = %8.3e; Q = %8.3e\n",R,Q);
405  print ("! R^2 - Q^3 = %8.3e\n",R*R-Q*Q*Q);
406  print ("! |R/Q|/sqrt(Q) = %8.3e\n",fabs(R/Q)/sqrt(fabs(Q)));
407  print ("! a = %8.3e; b = %8.3e; c = %8.3e; d = %8.3e\n",a,b,c,d);
408  print ("! Cubic tabulated in 'cubic.dat'\n");
409  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
410  }
411 #endif
413  } /* end if tab->interpolation == SPLINE1 */
415 /* ----------------------------------------
416  Compute x = xn*dx + x[i]
417  ---------------------------------------- */
420  (*x) = xn*tab->dlnx + tab->lnx[i];
421  (*x) = pow(10.0, *x);
422  #else
423  (*x) = xn*tab->dx[i] + tab->x[i];
424  #endif
426  return 0;
427 }
static double a
Definition: init.c:135
#define MAX(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:101
double * y
array of y-values (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:181
#define SPLINE2
Definition: pluto.h:220
int LocateIndex(double *yarr, int beg, int end, double y)
Definition: math_table2D.c:144
#define SPLINE1
Definition: pluto.h:219
int nx
Number of columns or points in the x direction.
Definition: structs.h:174
double dlny_1
Definition: structs.h:205
#define LINEAR
Definition: pluto.h:212
#define DSIGN(x)
Definition: macros.h:110
double ** f
Definition: structs.h:186
double ** a
Spline coefficient (x^3)
Definition: structs.h:188
double ** c
Spline coefficient (x)
Definition: structs.h:190
double ** b
Spline coefficient (x^2)
Definition: structs.h:189
#define MIN(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:104
double * dy
grid spacing array in the y direction (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:183
void PlotCubic(double a, double b, double c, double d)
Definition: math_table2D.c:571
double ** dfx
Definition: structs.h:193
#define INT_FLOOR(z)
Definition: macros.h:98
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
int k
Definition: analysis.c:2
void print(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:497
double ** dfy
Definition: structs.h:194
tuple c
double * lny
array of log10(y) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:185
double dlnx
uniform spacing in log10(x)
Definition: structs.h:202
int interpolation
Definition: structs.h:177
#define ARRAY_1D(nx, type)
Definition: prototypes.h:170
tuple f1
double lnymax
upper limit (in log10) in the y-direction
Definition: structs.h:201
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
double * lnx
array of log10(x) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:184
double dlny
uniform spacing in log10(y)
Definition: structs.h:203
double lnymin
lower limit (in log10) in the y-direction
Definition: structs.h:200
double ** d
Spline coefficiten (1)
Definition: structs.h:191
double * dx
grid spacing array in the x direction (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:182
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125
double * x
array of x-values (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:180

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int LocateIndex ( double *  yarr,
int  beg,
int  end,
double  y 

Given an array yarr[beg..end] and a given value y, returns the array index i such that yarr[i] < y < yarr[i+1] (for increasing arrays) or yarr[i+1] < y < yarr[i] (for decreasing arrays). yarr must be monotonically increasing or monotonically decreasing.

[in]yarrthe 1D array
[in]beginitial index of the array
[in]endfinal index of the array
[in]ythe value to be searched for
On success return the index of the array. Otherwise returns -1.


  • "Numerical Recipes in C", Sect. 3.4 "How to Search an Ordered Table"

Definition at line 144 of file math_table2D.c.

165 {
166  int iu,im,il, ascnd;
168  ascnd = (yarr[end] >= yarr[beg]); /* ascnd = 1 if table is increasing */
170 /* --------------------------------------------
171  Check if y is bounded between max and min
172  -------------------------------------------- */
174  if ( (ascnd && (y < yarr[beg] || y > yarr[end])) ||
175  (!ascnd && (y > yarr[beg] || y < yarr[end]))){
176 /* print ("! LocatIndex: element outside range ");
177  print ("(%12.6e not in [%12.6e, %12.6e]\n",y,yarr[beg],yarr[end]);*/
178  return -1;
179  }
181  il = beg; /* Initialize lower */
182  iu = end; /* and upper limits. */
184  while ( (iu - il) > 1) {
185  im = (iu + il) >> 1; /* Compute midpoint */
186  if ((y >= yarr[im]) == ascnd) il = im; /* Replace lower limit */
187  else iu = im; /* or upper limit */
188  }
189  if (y == yarr[beg]) return beg;
190  else if (y == yarr[end]) return end;
191  else return il;
192 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void PlotCubic ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
double  d 

Definition at line 571 of file math_table2D.c.

572 {
573  double t, f, dt = 1.e-1;
574  FILE *fp;
576  fp = fopen("cubic.dat","w");
577  for (t = -50.0; t <= 50.0; t += dt){
578  f = d + t*(c + t*(b + t*a));
579  fprintf (fp, "%12.6e %12.6e\n",t,f);
580  }
581  fclose(fp);
582 }
static double a
Definition: init.c:135
tuple c
FILE * fp
Definition: analysis.c:7

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Table2DInterpolate ( Table2D tab,
double  x,
double  y,
double *  f 

Use bilinear interpolation to find the function f(x,y) from the 2D table *tab. Since the grid is equally spaced in log(x) and log(y), the (i,j) indices such that x[i] <= x < x[i+1] and y[j] <= y < y[j+1] are found by a simple division. Then bilinear interpolation can be done in either log or linear coordinates. The latter is expected to be slightly faster since it avoids one pow() operation.

[in]*taba pointer to a Table2D structure
[in]xthe abscissa where interpolation is needed.
[in]ythe ordinata where interpolation is needed.
[out]*fthe interpolated value
- Return 0 on success, otherwise:
  • -1 if x is below column range;
  • 1 if x is above column range;
  • -2 if y is below row range;
  • 2 if y is above row range.

Definition at line 430 of file math_table2D.c.

454 {
455  int i,j;
456  double lnx, lny, xn, yn;
457  double s1, s2;
459  lnx = log10(x); /* Take the log to find the indices */
460  lny = log10(y);
462 /* -------------------------------------------------------
463  Check bounds
464  ------------------------------------------------------- */
466  if (lnx < tab->lnxmin){
468  print ("! Table2DInterpolate: lnx outside range %12.6e < %12.6e\n",
469  lnx, tab->lnxmin);
470  )
471  return -1;
472  }
474  if (lnx > tab->lnxmax){
476  print ("! Table2DInterpolate: lnx outside range: %12.6e > %12.6e\n",
477  lnx, tab->lnxmax);
478  )
479  return 1;
480  }
482  if (lny < tab->lnymin){
484  print ("! Table2DInterpolate: lny outside range: %12.6e < %12.6e\n",
485  lny, tab->lnymin);
486  )
487  return -2;
488  }
490  if (lny > tab->lnymax){
492  print ("! Table2DInterpolate: lny outside range: %12.6e > %12.6e\n",
493  lny, tab->lnymax);
494  )
495  return 2;
496  }
498 /* ------------------------------------------------
499  Find column and row indices i and j
500  ------------------------------------------------ */
502  i = INT_FLOOR((lnx - tab->lnxmin)*tab->dlnx_1);
503  j = INT_FLOOR((lny - tab->lnymin)*tab->dlny_1);
506  xn = (lnx - tab->lnx[i])/tab->dlnx; /* Compute normalized log coordinates */
507  yn = (lny - tab->lny[j])/tab->dlny; /* on the unit square [0,1]x[0,1] */
508  #else
509  xn = (x - tab->x[i])/tab->dx[i]; /* Compute normalized linear coordinates */
510  yn = (y - tab->y[j])/tab->dy[j]; /* on the unit square [0,1]x[0,1] */
511  #endif
513  if (tab->interpolation == LINEAR || tab->a[j][i] == 0.0){
514  (*f) = (tab->f[j][i] + (tab->f[j][i+1] - tab->f[j][i])*xn)*(1.0 - yn)
515  + (tab->f[j+1][i] + (tab->f[j+1][i+1] - tab->f[j+1][i])*xn)*yn;
516  }else if (tab->interpolation == SPLINE1 || tab->interpolation == SPLINE2){
517  s1 = tab->d[j][i] + xn*(tab->c[j][i] + xn*(tab->b[j][i] + xn*tab->a[j][i]));
518  s2 = tab->d[j+1][i] + xn*(tab->c[j+1][i] + xn*(tab->b[j+1][i] + xn*tab->a[j+1][i]));
519  *f = s1*(1.0 - yn) + s2*yn;
520  }else{
521  print1 ("! Table2DInterpolate(): table interpolation not corretly defined\n");
522  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
523  }
524  return 0; /* success */
525 }
double * y
array of y-values (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:181
#define SPLINE2
Definition: pluto.h:220
void print1(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:511
#define SPLINE1
Definition: pluto.h:219
#define WARNING(a)
Definition: macros.h:217
#define LINEAR
Definition: pluto.h:212
double ** f
Definition: structs.h:186
double ** a
Spline coefficient (x^3)
Definition: structs.h:188
double ** c
Spline coefficient (x)
Definition: structs.h:190
double ** b
Spline coefficient (x^2)
Definition: structs.h:189
double * dy
grid spacing array in the y direction (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:183
#define INT_FLOOR(z)
Definition: macros.h:98
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
Definition: analysis.c:10
double lnxmax
upper limit (in log10) in the x-direction
Definition: structs.h:199
void print(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:497
double * lny
array of log10(y) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:185
double dlnx
uniform spacing in log10(x)
Definition: structs.h:202
int interpolation
Definition: structs.h:177
double lnymax
upper limit (in log10) in the y-direction
Definition: structs.h:201
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
double * lnx
array of log10(x) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:184
double dlny
uniform spacing in log10(y)
Definition: structs.h:203
double lnxmin
lower limit (in log10) in the x-direction
Definition: structs.h:198
double lnymin
lower limit (in log10) in the y-direction
Definition: structs.h:200
double ** d
Spline coefficiten (1)
Definition: structs.h:191
double * dx
grid spacing array in the x direction (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:182
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125
double * x
array of x-values (not uniform)
Definition: structs.h:180

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void WriteBinaryTable2D ( char *  fname,
Table2D tab 

The binary table is a compact format used to write a 2D array together with simple structured coordinates. The file consists of the following information:


All fields are written in binary format using double precision arithmetic.

Definition at line 528 of file math_table2D.c.

547 {
548  int i,j;
549  double scrh;
550  FILE *fp;
552  fp = fopen(fname,"wb");
554  scrh = (double)tab->nx;
555  fwrite(&scrh, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
557  scrh = (double)tab->ny;
558  fwrite(&scrh, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
560  fwrite(tab->lnx, sizeof(double), tab->nx, fp);
561  fwrite(tab->lny, sizeof(double), tab->ny, fp);
563  for (j = 0; j < tab->ny; j++){
564  fwrite (tab->f[j], sizeof(double), tab->nx, fp);
565  }
567  fprintf (fp,"\n");
568  fclose(fp);
569 }
int nx
Number of columns or points in the x direction.
Definition: structs.h:174
tuple scrh
double ** f
Definition: structs.h:186
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
int ny
Number of rows or points in the y direction.
Definition: structs.h:175
double * lny
array of log10(y) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:185
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
double * lnx
array of log10(x) values (uniform)
Definition: structs.h:184
FILE * fp
Definition: analysis.c:7

Here is the caller graph for this function: