Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
2 /*!
3  \file
4  \brief ArrayLib functions to decompose the domain among the MPI processes.
6  ArrayLib functions to decompose the domain among the MPI processes.
8  \authors A. Malagoli (University of Chicago)
9  \authors G. Muscianisi (
10  \authors A. Mignone (
12  \date Aug 24, 2012
13 */
14 /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
15 #include "al_hidden.h" /*I "al_hidden.h" I*/
17 /*
18  If this is set, then each processor
19  gathers the entire index set for a
20  distributed array from all the group
21 */
24 /*
25  The SZ structure stack is defined and maintained
26  in al_szptr_.c
27  Here we include an external reference to it in
28  order to be able to make internal references to it.
29 */
30 extern SZ *sz_stack[AL_MAX_ARRAYS];
31 extern int stack_ptr[AL_MAX_ARRAYS];
34 int AL_Find_decomp_(int sz_ptr, int mode, int *procs);
35 int AL_Global_to_local_(int sz_ptr);
36 int AL_Decomp1d_(int gdim, int lproc, int lloc, int *start, int *end);
38 /* ********************************************************************** */
39 int AL_Decompose(int sz_ptr, int *procs, int mode)
40 /*! Create a distributed array descriptor and compile it
41  *
42  * \param [in] sz_ptr integer pointer to the distributed array descriptor
43  * \param [in,out] procs array with the processor decomposition
44  * \param [in] mode available value:\n
45  AL_AUTO_DECOMP (internal decomposition) [Only for powers of two dimensions];\n
46  AL_MPI_DECOMP (MPI decomposition); \n
47  AL_USER_DECOMP (user defined)
48  ************************************************************************ */
49 {
50  int myrank, nproc;
51  SZ *s;
53  register int i, nd, nb;
55  int ndim;
56  int gdims[AL_MAX_DIM], ldims[AL_MAX_DIM], starts[AL_MAX_DIM];
57  int count[AL_MAX_DIM], blocklen[AL_MAX_DIM], periods[AL_MAX_DIM];
58  int reord, nleft, nright;
59  int stagpt, type_size;
60  int stride[AL_MAX_DIM];
61  MPI_Datatype itype,ivector;
62  MPI_Comm comm, cart_comm;
64  int Find_decomp = AL_TRUE; /* By default, we use the internal decomposition */
67  Check that sz_ptr points to an allocated SZ
68  */
69  if( stack_ptr[sz_ptr] == AL_STACK_FREE){
70  printf("AL_Decompose: wrong SZ pointer\n");
71  }
73  s = sz_stack[sz_ptr];
75  myrank = s->rank;
76  nproc = s->size;
78  ndim = s->ndim;
80  /*
81  Find if we need to find our own decomposition
82  */
84  if( mode != AL_USER_DECOMP && mode != AL_AUTO_DECOMP && mode != AL_MPI_DECOMP ) {
85  printf("AL_Decompose: wrong mode. Using default AL_MPI_DECOMP\n");
86  mode = AL_MPI_DECOMP;
87  }
89  if( mode == AL_USER_DECOMP ){ Find_decomp = AL_FALSE; }
91  /*
92  If Find_decomp is TRUE, we proceed to find the
93  decomposition
94  */
95  if( Find_decomp == AL_TRUE ){
96  AL_Find_decomp_(sz_ptr, mode, procs);
97  } else {
98  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
99  s->lsize[nd] = procs[nd];
100  }
101  }
103  /*
104  Now we set the MPI datatypes for the ghost points
105  exchange
106  */
107  comm = s->comm;
109  /*
110  First, we create the cartesian communicator
111  */
112  reord = 0;
114  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
115  ldims[nd] = s->lsize[nd];
116  periods[nd] = s->isperiodic[nd];
117  }
119 #ifdef DEBUG
120  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* -- print SZ_stagx -- */
121  if(myrank==0) printf("MPI_Cart_create: %d x %d x %d, ndim %d, nproc %d\n",ldims[0],ldims[1],ldims[2],ndim,nproc);
122  }
123 #endif
125  MPI_Cart_create(comm, ndim, ldims, periods, reord, &cart_comm);
127  s->cart_comm = cart_comm;
129  /*
130  Then we generate the cartesian topology
131  of the processors
132  */
133  MPI_Cart_coords(cart_comm, myrank, ndim, ldims);
135  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
136  s->lrank[nd] = ldims[nd];
137  MPI_Cart_shift(cart_comm, nd, 1, &nleft, &nright);
138  s->left[nd] = nleft;
139  s->right[nd] = nright;
140  }
142  /*
143  We also generate a set of 1D communicators that
144  are useful when doing global operations along
145  single directions.
146  */
147  {
148  int rem_dims[AL_MAX_DIM];
150  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
151  for(i=0;i<ndim;i++){
152  if( i==nd ) {
153  rem_dims[i] = AL_TRUE;
154  } else {
155  rem_dims[i] = AL_FALSE;
156  }
157  }
158  MPI_Cart_sub(cart_comm, rem_dims, &(s->oned_comm[nd]));
159  }
160  }
162  /*
163  Now we create the strided data types for the
164  exchange of the ghost points
165  */
167  /*
168  Get the local array indexes (in global addressing mode)
169  */
170  AL_Global_to_local_(sz_ptr);
172  /*
173  Set the size of the local buffer for this array
174  */
175  s->buffsize = 1;
176  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
177  s->buffsize *=
178  ( (s->end[nd]) - (s->beg[nd]) + (s->bg[nd]) + (s->eg[nd]) + 1 );
179  }
183  /*
184  If it has not yet been done, allocate the array of begs
185  and ends, then gather the indexing information from all
186  processors. We check that the array of 'begs' was not
187  previously allocated, in order to avoid problems with
188  duplicated descriptors.
189  */
190 /* if( (s->begs) ) free(s->begs); */
192  if( !(s->begs = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nproc*ndim*2))) {
193  printf("AL_Decompose: could not allocate s->begs\n");
194  }
195  s->ends = s->begs + nproc*ndim;
197  /* Gather the 'beg' index information from all nodes */
198  MPI_Allgather(s->beg, ndim, MPI_INT, s->begs, ndim, MPI_INT, comm);
200  /* Gather the 'end' index information from all nodes */
201  MPI_Allgather(s->end, ndim, MPI_INT, s->ends, ndim, MPI_INT, comm);
203 #endif /* End #ifdef AL_GATHER_INDEXES */
205  /* -- Set the type size of the array -- */
207  MPI_Type_size(s->type, &(s->type_size));
209  /*--------------------- Begin creation of strided data types -------*/
211  /*
212  Set the count, blocklen, and stride elements for
213  the MPI_Vector calls.
214  This is VERY, VERY cryptic, but it seems to work ..
215  */
217  /* Right->Left exchange */
218  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
219  count[nd] = 1;
220  blocklen[nd] = s->bg[nd];
221  stride[nd] = s->larrdim_gp[nd];
222  for(nb=0;nb<nd;nb++){
223  blocklen[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
224  stride[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
225  }
226  for(nb=nd+1;nb<ndim;nb++){
227  count[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
228  }
229  }
231  itype = s->type;
232  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
233  if( count[nd] != 1){
234  MPI_Type_vector( count[nd], blocklen[nd], stride[nd], itype, &ivector);
235  } else {
236  MPI_Type_contiguous( blocklen[nd], itype, &ivector);
237  }
238  MPI_Type_commit(&ivector);
239  s->strided[nd] = ivector;
240  s->type_rl[nd] = ivector;
241  }
243  /* Left->Right exchange */
244  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
245  count[nd] = 1;
246  /* If the array is staggered, we give
247  unique ownership of the overlapping
248  point to the LEFT processor */
249  if( s->isstaggered[nd] == AL_TRUE ){
250  blocklen[nd] = s->bg[nd]+1;
251  } else {
252  blocklen[nd] = s->bg[nd];
253  }
255  stride[nd] = s->larrdim_gp[nd];
256  for(nb=0;nb<nd;nb++){
257  blocklen[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
258  stride[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
259  }
260  for(nb=nd+1;nb<ndim;nb++){
261  count[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
262  }
263  }
265  itype = s->type;
266  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
267  if( count[nd] != 1){
268  MPI_Type_vector( count[nd], blocklen[nd], stride[nd], itype, &ivector);
269  } else {
270  MPI_Type_contiguous( blocklen[nd], itype, &ivector);
271  }
272  MPI_Type_commit(&ivector);
273  s->type_lr[nd] = ivector;
274  }
276  /*--------------------- End creation of strided data types -------*/
278  /*
279  Create the buffer pointers to the array
280  for the SendRecv operations
281  */
282  MPI_Type_size( s->type, &type_size);
284  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
285  s->tag1[nd] = nd*100;
286  s->tag2[nd] = nd*100+1;
287  /* This is the correction for a staggered mesh */
288  if( s->isstaggered[nd] == AL_TRUE ){
289  stagpt = 1;
290  } else {
291  stagpt = 0;
292  }
294  s->sendb1[nd] = s->lbeg[nd] + stagpt;
295  s->recvb1[nd] = s->lend[nd]+1;
296  s->sendb2[nd] = s->lend[nd]-s->bg[nd]+1 - stagpt;
297  s->recvb2[nd] = 0;
299  for(nb=0;nb<nd;nb++){
300  s->sendb1[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
301  s->recvb1[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
302  s->sendb2[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
303  s->recvb2[nd] *= s->larrdim_gp[nb];
304  }
306  /*
307  The buffer will be considered as char, so we
308  have to correct for the size of the data type
309  */
310  s->sendb1[nd] *= type_size;
311  s->recvb1[nd] *= type_size;
312  s->sendb2[nd] *= type_size;
313  s->recvb2[nd] *= type_size;
315  }
317  /*
318  Create the subarrays for the MPI-IO operations
319  */
320  {
321  int istag;
323  MPI_Datatype igsubarr, ilsubarr;
325  MPI_Datatype igsubarr_stag[AL_MAX_DIM];
326  MPI_Datatype ilsubarr_stag[AL_MAX_DIM];
328  /* -----------------------------------------------------
329  Create the global subarray for MPI_Set_file_view
330  ----------------------------------------------------- */
332  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
333  gdims[nd] = s->arrdim[nd];
334  ldims[nd] = s->larrdim[nd];
335  starts[nd] = s->beg[nd] - s->bg[nd];
336  }
337 #ifdef DEBUG
338  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
339 printf("%d, gsubarr: gdims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, ldims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, starts[0:2] %d,%d,%d\n", s->rank, gdims[0], gdims[1], gdims[2], ldims[0], ldims[1], ldims[2], starts[0], starts[1], starts[2]);
340 }
341 #endif
343  AL_Type_create_subarray(ndim, gdims, ldims, starts,
344  AL_ORDER_FORTRAN, s->type, &igsubarr);
345  MPI_Type_commit(&igsubarr);
346  s->gsubarr = igsubarr;
348  /* -----------------------------------------------------
349  Create the global staggered subarrays
350  for MPI_Set_file_view
351  ----------------------------------------------------- */
353  for (istag = 0; istag < ndim; istag++){
354  for(nd = 0; nd < ndim; nd++){
355  gdims[nd] = s->arrdim[nd];
356  ldims[nd] = s->larrdim[nd];
357  starts[nd] = s->beg[nd] - s->bg[nd];
358  }
359  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
360  /*! <b> Bug fixed on Aug 26, 2012:</b>
361  When the global view of the file for a staggered
362  variable is computed, the gdims[nd] has to be computed
363  and then passed to the function AL_Type_create_subarray.
365  Since gdims[nd]=s->arrdim[nd], and in s->arrdim[nd] is
366  taking into account that the variable is staggered, we comment
367  the line "gdims[istag]++;" because it is no more needed. */
368  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
369  /* gdims[istag]++; */
373  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
374  /*! <b> Bug fixed on Aug 26, 2012: </b>
375  The following "if" has been modified:
377  OLD version:
378  if (s->beg[istag] == s->bg[istag]) {
379  ldims[istag]++;
380  }else{
381  starts[istag]++;
382  }
384  NEW version:
385  if (s->beg[istag] == s->bg[istag]) {
386  }else{
387  starts[istag]++;
388  ldims[istag]--;
389  }
391  \li "ldims[istag]++;" has been cancelled from the firt part
392  of the if for the same motivation explaned before;
393  \li "ldims[istag]--;" has been added in the second part of the
394  if because in PLUTO the index of the staggered variables
395  start from -1, while in the ArrayLib they start from 0. */
396  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
398  if (s->beg[istag] == s->bg[istag]) {
399  }else{
400  starts[istag]++;
401  ldims[istag]--;
402  }
404 #ifdef DEBUG
405  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
406  printf("%d, gsubarr_stag[%d]: gdims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, ldims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, starts[0:2] %d,%d,%d \n", s->rank, istag, gdims[0], gdims[1], gdims[2], ldims[0], ldims[1], ldims[2], starts[0], starts[1], starts[2]);
407 }
408 #endif
410  AL_Type_create_subarray(ndim, gdims, ldims, starts,
411  AL_ORDER_FORTRAN, s->type, igsubarr_stag + istag);
412  MPI_Type_commit(igsubarr_stag + istag);
413  s->gsubarr_stag[istag] = igsubarr_stag[istag];
414  }
416  /* -----------------------------------------------------
417  Create the local subarray for the MPI_Set_write_all
418  ----------------------------------------------------- */
420  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
421  gdims[nd] = s->larrdim_gp[nd];
422  ldims[nd] = s->larrdim[nd];
423  starts[nd] = s->lbeg[nd];
424  }
425 #ifdef DEBUG
426  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
427 printf("%d, lsubarr: gdims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, ldims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, starts[0:2] %d,%d,%d \n", s->rank, gdims[0], gdims[1], gdims[2], ldims[0], ldims[1], ldims[2], starts[0], starts[1], starts[2]);
428 }
429 #endif
430  AL_Type_create_subarray(ndim, gdims, ldims, starts,
431  AL_ORDER_FORTRAN, s->type, &ilsubarr);
432  MPI_Type_commit(&ilsubarr);
433  s->lsubarr = ilsubarr;
436  /* -----------------------------------------------------
437  Create the local staggered subarrays
438  for MPI_Set_write_all
439  ----------------------------------------------------- */
441  for (istag = 0; istag < ndim; istag++){
442  for(nd = 0; nd < ndim; nd++){
443  gdims[nd] = s->larrdim_gp[nd];
444  ldims[nd] = s->larrdim[nd];
445  starts[nd] = s->lbeg[nd];
446  }
447  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
448  /*! <b> Bugs fixed on Aug 26, 2012: </b>
449  The following if has been modified:
451  OLD version:
452  if (s->beg[istag] == s->bg[istag]) {
453  ldims[istag]++;
454  starts[istag]--;
455  }
457  NEW version:
458  if (s->beg[istag] == s->bg[istag]) {
459  }else{
460  ldims[istag]--;
461  starts[istag]++;
462  }
464  \li "ldims[istag]++;" has been cancelled from the firt part of
465  the if because when the local subarray for the MPI_Set_write_all
466  for a staggered variable is computed, the ldims[nd] has to be
467  computed and then passed to the function AL_Type_create_subarray.
468  Since ldims[nd]=s->larrdim[nd], and in s->larrdim[nd] is
469  taking into account that the variable is staggered, we remouved
470  the line "ldims[istag]++;" because it is no more needed;
471  \li "starts[istag]--;" has been cancelled from the first part of
472  the if because in PLUTO the indexes for the staggered variables
473  start locally from -1, while in ArrayLib they start from 0;
474  \li the "else" has been added to take into account the motivation
475  explaned in the point before. */
476  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
478  if (s->beg[istag] == s->bg[istag]) {
479  }else{
480  ldims[istag]--;
481  starts[istag]++;
482  }
485 #ifdef DEBUG
486  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
487 printf("%d, lsubarr_stag[%d]: gdims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, ldims[0:2] %d,%d,%d, starts[0:2] %d,%d,%d \n", s->rank, istag, gdims[0], gdims[1], gdims[2], ldims[0], ldims[1], ldims[2], starts[0], starts[1], starts[2]);
488 }
489 #endif
490  AL_Type_create_subarray(ndim, gdims, ldims, starts,
491  AL_ORDER_FORTRAN, s->type, ilsubarr_stag + istag);
492  MPI_Type_commit(ilsubarr_stag + istag);
493  s->lsubarr_stag[istag] = ilsubarr_stag[istag];
494  }
496  }
498  /*
499  Now array is officially compiled
500  */
501  s->compiled = AL_TRUE;
503  /* DIAGNOSTICS */
504 #ifdef DEBUG
505  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
506  printf("AL_Decompose: Decomposition successful\n");
507  for(nd=0;nd<ndim;nd++){
508  printf("AL_Decompose: %d %d\n", s->beg[nd], s->end[nd]);
509  }
510 }
511 #endif
513  return (int) AL_SUCCESS;
514 }
516 /* -------------- INTERNAL ROUTINES ------------------*/
518 /* ********************************************************************* */
519 int AL_Find_decomp_(int sz_ptr, int mode, int *procs)
520 /*!
521  Find the decomposition for a distributed array given its
522  global size and the number of nodes
523  *
524  * \param [in] sz_ptr integer pointer to the SZ structure
525  * \param [in] mode mode parameter: AL_AUTO_DECOMP, AL_MPI_DECOMP, AL_USER_DECOMP
526  * \param [in,out] procs array of processor decomposition
527  *********************************************************************** */
528 {
529  register int i, nd;
531  SZ *s;
533  int myid, nproc, ntdim, npdim;
534  int ldims[AL_MAX_DIM], ipdims[AL_MAX_DIM];
535  int s_inds[AL_MAX_DIM], t_ldims[AL_MAX_DIM];
536  int gdims[AL_MAX_DIM];
538  s = sz_stack[sz_ptr];
540  myid = s->rank;
541  nproc = s->size;
543  ntdim = s->ndim;
545 #ifdef DEBUG
546  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
547  if(myid==0) printf("AL_Find_decomp_: Using Mode - %d\n",mode);
548 }
549 #endif
551  /*
552  If mode is AL_USER_DECOMP, we get the user defined decomposition
554  */
555  if( mode == AL_USER_DECOMP ){
556 #ifdef DEBUG
557  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
558  if(myid==0) printf("AL_Find_decomp_: Using User Decomp Mode - %d\n",ntdim);
559 }
560 #endif
561  for(nd=0;nd<ntdim;nd++){
562  if( ldims[nd] != 0 ){
563  s->lsize[nd] = ldims[nd];
564  } else {
565  s->lsize[nd] = 1; /* This is a safety patch, a more
566  sophisticated tratement will be needed */
567  }
568  }
569  return 0;
570  }
572  /*
573  Determine the parallel directions and
574  save them in ipdims[]
575  */
576  npdim = 0;
577  for(nd=0;nd<ntdim;nd++){
578  s->lsize[nd] = 1;
579  if( s->isparallel[nd] == AL_TRUE ){
580  ipdims[npdim] = nd;
581  /* Correct for the overlapping points in a staggered mesh */
582  if( s->isstaggered[nd] == AL_TRUE ) {
583  gdims[npdim] = s->arrdim[nd]-AL_STAGGERED_OVERLAP;
584  } else {
585  gdims[npdim] = s->arrdim[nd];
586  }
587  npdim = npdim+1;
588  } else {
589  /* The dimension is NOT parallel */
590  procs[nd] = 1;
591  }
592  }
594  /*
595  Introduce special test for power of two
596  dimensions and number of processors.
598  We check whether both the size of the communicator
599  AND each of the dimensions are powers of two.
600  If this is the case, then the AL_AUTO_DECOMP is used.
601  */
602  {
603  int isp;
604  isp = 0;
605  if(s->ndim <4){
606  if( AL_POWEROF2(s->size) ){
607  for(nd=0;nd<s->ndim;nd++){
608  if(AL_POWEROF2(s->arrdim[nd])) isp++;
609  }
610  }
611  if(isp==s->ndim) {
612  mode = AL_AUTO_DECOMP;
613 #ifdef DEBUG
614  if(myid==0) printf("Using mode AL_AUTO_DECOMP\n");
615 #endif
616  }
617  }
618  }
620  /*
621  If mode is AL_AUTO_DECOMP, AL finds the decomposition
622  We try to find a "maximally cubic" decomposition, which
623  is useful for the application of the multigrid algorithm.
624  */
625  if( mode == AL_AUTO_DECOMP ){
626  if( AL_Auto_Decomp_(nproc,npdim,ldims,gdims) == AL_FAILURE) {
627  mode = AL_MPI_DECOMP;
628 #ifdef DEBUG
629  if( myid == 0 ) printf("Auto Decomp failed: using MPI Decomp Mode\n");
630 #endif
631  }
632  }
634  /*
635  If mode is AL_MPI_DECOMP, MPI finds the decomposition
636  */
637 #ifdef DEBUG
638  if(myid==0) printf("Auto Decomp: Mode is: %d %d %d %d\n",mode, AL_MPI_DECOMP, nproc, npdim);
639 #endif
641  if( mode == AL_MPI_DECOMP ){
642  for(i=0;i<npdim;i++){ ldims[i]=0 ;}
643  MPI_Dims_create(nproc, npdim, ldims);
644  /* This may not get released */
645  /* AL_Dims_create(nproc, npdim, ldims); */
646  {
647  /* Make an attempt at aligning the decomposition with the
648  array dimensions. We try to match the longest dimensions
649  of the decomposition with those of the array */
650  AL_Sort_(npdim,ldims,s_inds);
651  for(i=0;i<npdim;i++) t_ldims[i] = ldims[s_inds[i]];
652  AL_Sort_(npdim,gdims,s_inds);
653  for(i=0;i<npdim;i++) ldims[s_inds[i]] = t_ldims[i];
654  }
655 #ifdef DEBUG
656  if(myid==0) printf("MPI Decomp: %d %d %d %d %d\n", ldims[0],ldims[1],ldims[2],nproc,npdim);
657 #endif
658  }
660  /*
661  Fill the decomposition information back
662  int the SZ structure
663  */
664 #ifdef DEBUG
665  if(myid==0) printf("End of AL_Fing_decomp_: ");
666 #endif
667  for(i=0;i<npdim;i++){
668  s->lsize[ipdims[i]]=ldims[i];
669  procs[ipdims[i]] = ldims[i];
670 #ifdef DEBUG
671  if(myid==0) printf("%d ",s->lsize[ipdims[i]]);
672 #endif
673  }
674 #ifdef DEBUG
675  if(myid==0) printf("\n");
676 #endif
677  return 0;
678 }
681 /* ********************************************************************* */
682 int AL_Global_to_local_(int sz_ptr)
683 /*!
684  * Compute addresses of local portions of array from
685  * global dimensions and processor decomposition
686  *
687  * \param [in] sz_ptr integer pointer to SZ structure
688  *********************************************************************** */
689 {
690  register int i, j;
691  SZ *s;
693  int myrank, nproc, ndim;
694  int gdim, lproc, lloc;
695  int start, end;
697  s = sz_stack[sz_ptr];
699  myrank = s->rank;
700  nproc = s->size;
701  ndim = s->ndim;
703  for(i=0;i<ndim;i++){
704  gdim = s->arrdim[i];
705  lproc = s->lsize[i];
706  lloc = s->lrank[i];
708  /* We apply the following trick if the array is staggered */
709  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ gdim = gdim-1;}
711  AL_Decomp1d_(gdim, lproc, lloc, &start, &end);
713  s->beg[i] = start+s->bg[i];
714  s->end[i] = end+s->bg[i];
715  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ s->end[i] = end+1+s->bg[i];}
716  s->lbeg[i] = s->bg[i];
717  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
718  /*! <b> Bug fixed on Dec 7, 2011: </b>
719  The lines:
721  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ s->lend[i] = (end-start+1+s->lbeg[i]);}
723  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ s->larrdim_gp[i] = (end-start+1+s->bg[i]+s->eg[i]+1);}
725  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ s->larrdim[i] = (end-start+1+1);}
727  have been added to manage in the right way the correspondence among
728  global and local indeces for staggered variables. */
729  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
730  s->lend[i] = (end-start+s->lbeg[i]);
731  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ s->lend[i] = (end-start+1+s->lbeg[i]);}
732  s->larrdim_gp[i] = (end-start+s->bg[i]+s->eg[i]+1);
733  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ s->larrdim_gp[i] = (end-start+1+s->bg[i]+s->eg[i]+1);}
734 #ifdef DEBUG
735  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print SZ_stagx */
736  printf("%d AL_Global_to_local, dim %d : s->beg %d, s->end %d, lbeg %d, lend %d, bg %d, larrdim_gp %d\n",s->rank,i, s->beg[i],s->end[i], s->lbeg[i], s->lend[i], s->bg[i], s->larrdim_gp[i]);
737 }
738 #endif
739  s->larrdim[i] = end-start+1;
740  if( s->isstaggered[i] == AL_TRUE ){ s->larrdim[i] = (end-start+1+1);}
742  }
744  /*
745  These are the offsets for the DO loop index computations.
747  We will gradually replace "offset" with "stride", so that
748  the definition is more in line with the MPI strided data
749  types definitions.
750  */
751  for(i=0;i<ndim;i++){
752  s->offset[i] = 1;
753  s->stride[i] = 1;
754  for(j=0;j<=i-1;j++){
755  s->offset[i] *= s->larrdim_gp[j];
756  s->stride[i] *= s->larrdim_gp[j];
757  }
758 #ifdef DEBUG
759  if(sz_ptr==4){ /* print solo SZ_stagx */
760  printf("%d Strides: %d %d\n",s->rank,i,s->stride[i]);
761 }
762 #endif
763  }
765  return (int) AL_SUCCESS;
766 }
768 /* ********************************************************************** */
769 /* -- NOTE: the following routine, AL_Decomp1d_, has been
770  modified from the MPE_Decomp1d_ routine, which
771  is part of the MPICH distribution. -- */
773 int AL_Decomp1d_(int gdim, int lproc, int lloc, int *start, int *end)
774 /*!
775  * Decompose a 1D array, given the number of processors along the direction
776  *
777  * \param [in] gdim integer size of the global dimension
778  * \param [in] lproc integer size of the number of processors along the dimension
779  * \param [in] lloc integer location of this node along the dimension
780  * \param [out] start integer pointer to start address for the array (C-convention)
781  * \param [out] end integer pointer to end address for the array (C-convention)
782  *********************************************************************** */
783 {
784  int nlocal, deficit, itmp;
786  nlocal = gdim/lproc;
787  *start = lloc * nlocal;
788  deficit = gdim % lproc;
789  itmp = lloc < deficit ? lloc : deficit;
790  *start = *start + itmp;
791  if( lloc < deficit ){ nlocal = nlocal+1; }
792  *end = *start + nlocal -1;
794 #ifdef DEBUG
795  printf("AL_Decomp1_: %d %d %d %d - %d %d \n", lloc, deficit, *start, *end, nlocal, lproc);
796 #endif
798  if( *end >= gdim || lloc == lproc-1 ) {*end = gdim-1;}
800  return (int) AL_SUCCESS;
801 }
int recvb2[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:95
int isperiodic[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:80
#define AL_MAX_DIM
Definition: al_codes.h:18
Definition: al_codes.h:41
int AL_Decomp1d_(int gdim, int lproc, int lloc, int *start, int *end)
Definition: al_decompose.c:773
int end[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:60
int lrank[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:88
int isparallel[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:78
int offset[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:76
int AL_Auto_Decomp_(int nproc, int npdim, int *ldims, int *gdims)
Definition: al_decomp_.c:19
int tag1[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:96
#define AL_SUCCESS
Definition: al_codes.h:32
int right[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:86
#define AL_TRUE
Definition: al_codes.h:28
Definition: al_codes.h:24
int AL_Find_decomp_(int sz_ptr, int mode, int *procs)
Definition: al_decompose.c:519
int type_size
Definition: al_hidden.h:42
int * begs
Definition: al_hidden.h:63
MPI_Datatype gsubarr
Definition: al_hidden.h:110
MPI_Comm oned_comm[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:50
int recvb1[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:94
SZ * sz_stack[AL_MAX_ARRAYS]
Definition: al_szptr_.c:18
int AL_Decompose(int sz_ptr, int *procs, int mode)
Definition: al_decompose.c:39
Definition: al_codes.h:42
MPI_Comm cart_comm
Definition: al_hidden.h:49
int arrdim[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:53
int larrdim_gp[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:56
int sendb1[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:92
int larrdim[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:54
int AL_Type_create_subarray(int, int *, int *, int *, int, MPI_Datatype, MPI_Datatype *)
Definition: al_subarray_.c:18
int rank
Definition: al_hidden.h:44
Definition: al_codes.h:40
int * ends
Definition: al_hidden.h:63
int AL_Sort_(int, int *, int *)
Definition: al_sort_.c:15
MPI_Datatype type_rl[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:106
int stride[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:77
int bg[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:72
MPI_Datatype lsubarr
Definition: al_hidden.h:111
int left[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:84
int beg[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:58
MPI_Datatype lsubarr_stag[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:114
Definition: al_codes.h:46
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
int sendb2[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:93
int isstaggered[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:82
int eg[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:74
int lsize[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:90
#define AL_FAILURE
Definition: al_codes.h:33
MPI_Datatype strided[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:97
#define s
int size
Definition: al_hidden.h:45
int tag2[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:96
Definition: al_defs.h:25
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
MPI_Comm comm
Definition: al_hidden.h:47
long int buffsize
Definition: al_hidden.h:52
MPI_Datatype type
Definition: al_hidden.h:40
int stack_ptr[AL_MAX_ARRAYS]
Definition: al_szptr_.c:26
#define AL_FALSE
Definition: al_codes.h:29
int AL_Global_to_local_(int sz_ptr)
Definition: al_decompose.c:682
Definition: al_hidden.h:38
MPI_Datatype gsubarr_stag[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:113
Internal include file for the ArrayLib.
int compiled
Definition: al_hidden.h:39
int lbeg[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:68
MPI_Datatype type_lr[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:104
Definition: al_codes.h:21
#define AL_POWEROF2(x)
Definition: al_defs.h:48
int lend[AL_MAX_DIM]
Definition: al_hidden.h:70
int ndim
Definition: al_hidden.h:43