szz Struct Reference

#include <al_hidden.h>

Public Attributes

int compiled
MPI_Datatype type
int type_size
int ndim
int rank
int size
MPI_Comm comm
MPI_Comm cart_comm
MPI_Comm oned_comm [AL_MAX_DIM]
long int buffsize
int arrdim [AL_MAX_DIM]
int larrdim [AL_MAX_DIM]
int larrdim_gp [AL_MAX_DIM]
int beg [AL_MAX_DIM]
int end [AL_MAX_DIM]
int * begs
int * ends
int lbeg [AL_MAX_DIM]
int lend [AL_MAX_DIM]
int bg [AL_MAX_DIM]
int eg [AL_MAX_DIM]
int offset [AL_MAX_DIM]
int stride [AL_MAX_DIM]
int isparallel [AL_MAX_DIM]
int isperiodic [AL_MAX_DIM]
int isstaggered [AL_MAX_DIM]
int left [AL_MAX_DIM]
int right [AL_MAX_DIM]
int lrank [AL_MAX_DIM]
int lsize [AL_MAX_DIM]
int sendb1 [AL_MAX_DIM]
int sendb2 [AL_MAX_DIM]
int recvb1 [AL_MAX_DIM]
int recvb2 [AL_MAX_DIM]
int tag1 [AL_MAX_DIM]
int tag2 [AL_MAX_DIM]
MPI_Datatype strided [AL_MAX_DIM]
MPI_Datatype type_lr [AL_MAX_DIM]
MPI_Datatype type_rl [AL_MAX_DIM]
int pio_offset
MPI_Datatype gsubarr
MPI_Datatype lsubarr
MPI_Datatype gsubarr_stag [AL_MAX_DIM]
MPI_Datatype lsubarr_stag [AL_MAX_DIM]
MPI_Offset io_offset
MPI_File ifp

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file al_hidden.h.

Member Data Documentation

int szz::arrdim[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 53 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::beg[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 58 of file al_hidden.h.

int* szz::begs

Definition at line 63 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::bg[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 72 of file al_hidden.h.

long int szz::buffsize

Definition at line 52 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Comm szz::cart_comm

Definition at line 49 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Comm szz::comm

Definition at line 47 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::compiled

Definition at line 39 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::eg[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 74 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::end[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 60 of file al_hidden.h.

int * szz::ends

Definition at line 63 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::gsubarr

Definition at line 110 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::gsubarr_stag[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 113 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_File szz::ifp

Definition at line 117 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Offset szz::io_offset

Definition at line 116 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::isparallel[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 78 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::isperiodic[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 80 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::isstaggered[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 82 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::larrdim[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 54 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::larrdim_gp[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 56 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::lbeg[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 68 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::left[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 84 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::lend[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 70 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::lrank[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 88 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::lsize[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 90 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::lsubarr

Definition at line 111 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::lsubarr_stag[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 114 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::ndim

Definition at line 43 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::offset[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 76 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Comm szz::oned_comm[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 50 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::pio_offset

Definition at line 108 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::rank

Definition at line 44 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::recvb1[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 94 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::recvb2[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 95 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::right[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 86 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::sendb1[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 92 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::sendb2[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 93 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::size

Definition at line 45 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::stride[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 77 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::strided[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 97 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::tag1[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 96 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::tag2[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 96 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::type

Definition at line 40 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::type_lr[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 104 of file al_hidden.h.

MPI_Datatype szz::type_rl[AL_MAX_DIM]

Definition at line 106 of file al_hidden.h.

int szz::type_size

Definition at line 42 of file al_hidden.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: