shearingbox.h File Reference

Shearing-Box module header file. More...

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#define SB_ORDER   2
 Symmetrize the hydrodynamical fluxes at the left and right x-boundaries in order to enforce conservation of hydrodynamic variables like density, momentum and energy (no magnetic field). More...
 Symmetrize the y-component of the electric field at the left and right x-boundaries to enforce conservation of magnetic field (only in 3D). More...
 Symmetrize the z-component of electric field at the left and right x-boundaries to enforce conservation of magnetic field. More...
 Force periodicity at y- and z- boundaries. More...
#define SB_Q   1.5
 The shear parameter, $\DS q = -\HALF\frac{d\log \Omega^2}{d\log R} $. More...
#define SB_OMEGA   1.0
 Disk local orbital frequency $ \Omega_0 = \Omega(R_0)$. More...
#define SB_A   (-0.5*SB_OMEGA*SB_Q)
 Short-hand definition for the Oort constant $ A = -q\Omega_0/2 $. More...


double sb_vy
 Velocity offset (>0), in SB_Boundary(). More...

Detailed Description

Shearing-Box module header file.

The Shearing-Box module header file contains basic macro definitions, function prototypes and declaration of global variables used by the sheraring-box module. The variable ::sb_q and ::sb_Omega are the most important ones and must be defined and initialized in your init.c in order to configure your shearing-box problem.

Optionally, the order of interpolation (default is 2) at physical boundaries may be changed using the SB_ORDER macro.

The additional macros SB_SYMMETRIZE_HYDRO, SB_SYMMETRIZE_EY and SB_SYMMETRIZE_EZ may be set to YES/NO to enable/disable enforcement of conservation at the radial (x) boundaries.

A. Mignone (
G. Muscianisi (
Aug 26, 2015
Check if sb_vy and sb_Ly are really needed as global variables.

Definition in file shearingbox.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SB_A   (-0.5*SB_OMEGA*SB_Q)

Short-hand definition for the Oort constant $ A = -q\Omega_0/2 $.

Definition at line 96 of file shearingbox.h.


Force periodicity at y- and z- boundaries.

Definition at line 61 of file shearingbox.h.

#define SB_OMEGA   1.0

Disk local orbital frequency $ \Omega_0 = \Omega(R_0)$.

Definition at line 81 of file shearingbox.h.

#define SB_ORDER   2

Sets the order of interpolation at physical boundaries (1, 2 or 3).

Definition at line 29 of file shearingbox.h.

#define SB_Q   1.5

The shear parameter, $\DS q = -\HALF\frac{d\log \Omega^2}{d\log R} $.

Definition at line 76 of file shearingbox.h.


Symmetrize the y-component of the electric field at the left and right x-boundaries to enforce conservation of magnetic field (only in 3D).

Definition at line 46 of file shearingbox.h.


Symmetrize the z-component of electric field at the left and right x-boundaries to enforce conservation of magnetic field.

Definition at line 54 of file shearingbox.h.


Symmetrize the hydrodynamical fluxes at the left and right x-boundaries in order to enforce conservation of hydrodynamic variables like density, momentum and energy (no magnetic field).

Default is YES.

Definition at line 36 of file shearingbox.h.

Variable Documentation

double sb_vy

Velocity offset (>0), in SB_Boundary().

Definition at line 24 of file sb_boundary.c.