Todo List
globalScope> Member CT_AverageNormalMagField (const Data *d, int side, Grid *grid)
replace the loops with more compact macro, such as X1_BEG_LOOP()...
globalScope> Member CT_AverageTransverseMagField (const Data *d, int side, Grid *grid)
replace the loops using more compact notations, such as X1_BEG_LOOP()...
File fargo.h
globalScope> Member FARGO_ShiftSolution (Data_Arr, Data_Arr, Grid *)
Optimization: avoid using too many if statement like on nproc_s > 1 or == 1
globalScope> Member FARGO_ShiftSolution (Data_Arr, Data_Arr, Grid *)
Optimization: avoid using too many if statement like on nproc_s > 1 or == 1
globalScope> Member FillMagneticField (const Data *d, int side, Grid *grid)
replace the loops with more compact macro, such as X1_BEG_LOOP()...
A. Mignone (
Aug 16, 2012
globalScope> Member MyFunctionTemplate (int var)
File rhs.c
  • merge GetAreaFlux and TotalFlux ?
globalScope> Member RightHandSide (const State_1D *, Time_Step *, int, int, double, Grid *)
globalScope> Member RightHandSide (const State_1D *, Time_Step *, int, int, double, Grid *)
globalScope> Member SB_Boundary (const Data *d, int side, Grid *grid)
Check if sb_vy needs to be global.
File shearingbox.h
Check if sb_vy and sb_Ly are really needed as global variables.
globalScope> Member WriteVTK_Header (FILE *fvtk, Grid *grid)
Write the grid using several processors.
globalScope> Member WriteVTK_Header (FILE *fvtk, Grid *grid)
Write the grid using several processors.