init.c File Reference

Relativistic magnetized jet in axisymmetric coordinates. More...

#include "pluto.h"
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static void GetJetValues (double x1, double x2, double x3, double *vj)
void Init (double *v, double x1, double x2, double x3)
void Analysis (const Data *d, Grid *grid)
void UserDefBoundary (const Data *d, RBox *box, int side, Grid *grid)


static double pj
static double g_gamma

Detailed Description

Relativistic magnetized jet in axisymmetric coordinates.

The jet problem is set up in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates $ (r,z) $ as described in section 4.2.3 of Mignone, Ugliano & Bodo (2009, [MUB09] hereafter). We label ambient and jet values with the suffix "a" and "j", respectively. The ambient medium is at rest and is characterized by uniform density and pressure, $ \rho_a $ and $ p_a $. The beam enters from the lower-z boundary from a circular nozzle of radius 1, carries a constant poloidal field $ B_z $ and a (radially-varying) toroidal component $ B_\phi(R) $. Flow variables are prescribed as

\[ \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} \rho(R) &=& \rho_j \\ \noalign{\medskip} v_z(R) &=& v_j \\ \noalign{\medskip} B_\phi(R) &=& \DS \left\{\begin{array}{ll} -\gamma_j b_m R/a & \quad{\rm for}\quad r<a \\ \noalign{\medskip} -\gamma_j b_m a/R & \quad{\rm for}\quad r>a \end{array}\right. \\ \noalign{\medskip} B_z(R) &=& B_{z0}\quad\mathrm{(const)} \end{array}\right. \]

Here a is the magnetization radius while $ v_r = B_r = 0 $. The pressure distribution is found by solving the radial momentum balance between thermal, centrifugal and magnetic forces. Neglecting rotation and assuming Bz to be constant the solution is given by

\[ p(R) = p_j + b_m^2\left[1-\min\left(\frac{r^2}{a^2},1\right)\right] \]

Here $p_j=p_a$ is the jet/ambient pressure at r=1 and its value depends on the Mach number, see [MUB09].

The parameters controlling the problem is

  1. g_inputParam[MACH]: the jet Mach number $ M = v_j/cs $ where $c_s=\sqrt{\Gamma p_j/(\rho h)}$ is the sound speed and $\rho h = \rho + \Gamma p_j/(\Gamma-1)$. This is used to recover $p_j$;
  2. g_inputParam[LORENTZ]: the jet Lorentz factor;
  3. g_inpurParam[RHOJ]: the jet density;
  4. g_inpurParam[SIGMA_POL]: magnetization strength for poloidal magnetic field component (see [MUB09], Eq [65]);
  5. g_inpurParam[SIGMA_TOR]: magnetization strength for toroidal magnetic field component (see [MUB09], Eq [65]);

The different configurations are:

  • configurations #01-02 employ a purely poloidal field and are similar to section 4.3.3 of Mignone & Bodo (2006);
  • configuration #03

The following image show the (log) density map at the end of simulation for setup #01.

Density map at the end of the computation for configuration #01


  • "A five-wave Harten-Lax-van Leer Riemann solver for relativistic magnetohydrodynamics", Mignone, Ugliano & Bodo, MNARS (200) 393, 1141
  • "An HLLC Rieman solver for relativistic flows - II. Magnetohydrodynamics" Mignone & Bodo, MNRAS (2006) 368, 1040
A. Mignone (
Sept 17, 2014

Definition in file init.c.

Function Documentation

void Analysis ( const Data d,
Grid grid 

Perform runtime data analysis.

[in]dthe PLUTO Data structure
[in]gridpointer to array of Grid structures

Compute volume-integrated magnetic pressure, Maxwell and Reynolds stresses. Save them to "averages.dat"

Definition at line 118 of file init.c.

123 {
125 }
void GetJetValues ( double  x1,
double  x2,
double  x3,
double *  vj 

Definition at line 183 of file init.c.

190 {
191  static int first_call = 1;
192  double bm, b2_av, bphi, lor, a = 0.5;
193  double r, x, scrh, sig_z, sig_phi;
195  r = x1;
196  lor = g_inputParam[LORENTZ];
197  sig_z = g_inputParam[SIGMA_POL];
198  sig_phi = g_inputParam[SIGMA_TOR];
199  if (fabs(r) < 1.e-9) r = 1.e-9;
201  x = r/a;
202  vj[RHO] = g_inputParam[RHOJ];
204  EXPAND(vj[VX1] = 0.0; ,
205  vj[VX2] = sqrt(1.0 - 1.0/(lor*lor)); , /* 3-vel */
206  vj[VX3] = 0.0;)
208  scrh = g_inputParam[MACH]/vj[VX2];
209  pj = vj[RHO]/(g_gamma*scrh*scrh - g_gamma/(g_gamma - 1.0));
211  bm = 4.0*pj*sig_phi;
212  bm /= a*a*(1.0 - 4.0*log(a) - 2.0*sig_phi);
213  bm = sqrt(bm);
215  scrh = MIN(x*x, 1.0);
216  vj[PRS] = pj + bm*bm*(1.0 - scrh);
218  bphi = bm*(fabs(x) < 1.0 ? x: 1.0/x);
221  EXPAND(vj[iBR] = 0.0; ,
222  vj[iBZ] = sqrt(sig_z*(bm*bm*a*a + 2.0*pj)); ,
223  vj[iBPHI] = lor*bphi;)
224  vj[AX1] = 0.0;
225  vj[AX2] = 0.0;
226  vj[AX3] = 0.5*r*vj[iBZ];
227  #endif
229 /* -- set tracer value -- */
231  #if NTRACER > 0
232  vj[TRC] = 1.0;
233  #endif
234  #ifdef PSI_GLM
235  vj[PSI_GLM] = 0.0;
236  #endif
238 }
static double a
Definition: init.c:135
#define MACH
#define VX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:29
#define iBZ
Definition: mod_defs.h:138
#define RHO
Definition: mod_defs.h:19
tuple scrh
#define PSI_GLM
Definition: mod_defs.h:34
#define AX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:86
#define TRC
Definition: pluto.h:581
#define iBR
Definition: mod_defs.h:150
#define VX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:28
#define MIN(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:104
#define AX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:87
double g_inputParam[32]
Array containing the user-defined parameters.
Definition: globals.h:131
#define iBPHI
Definition: mod_defs.h:152
#define RHOJ
double * x
Definition: structs.h:80
static double pj
Definition: init.c:73
static double g_gamma
Definition: init.c:76
#define AX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:85
#define LORENTZ
#define VX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:30
#define SIGMA_POL
#define SIGMA_TOR
void Init ( double *  v,
double  x1,
double  x2,
double  x3 

The Init() function can be used to assign initial conditions as as a function of spatial position.

[out]va pointer to a vector of primitive variables
[in]x1coordinate point in the 1st dimension
[in]x2coordinate point in the 2nd dimension
[in]x3coordinate point in the 3rdt dimension

The meaning of x1, x2 and x3 depends on the geometry:

\[ \begin{array}{cccl} x_1 & x_2 & x_3 & \mathrm{Geometry} \\ \noalign{\medskip} \hline x & y & z & \mathrm{Cartesian} \\ \noalign{\medskip} R & z & - & \mathrm{cylindrical} \\ \noalign{\medskip} R & \phi & z & \mathrm{polar} \\ \noalign{\medskip} r & \theta & \phi & \mathrm{spherical} \end{array} \]

Variable names are accessed by means of an index v[nv], where nv = RHO is density, nv = PRS is pressure, nv = (VX1, VX2, VX3) are the three components of velocity, and so forth.

Definition at line 80 of file init.c.

86 {
87  int nv;
88  double r, z, p0, vjet[256], vamb[256];
90  g_gamma = 5./3.;
91  GetJetValues (x1, x2, x3, vjet);
93 /* -- set ambient values -- */
95  v[RHO] = g_inputParam[RHOA];
96  EXPAND(v[VX1] = 0.0; ,
97  v[VX2] = 0.0; ,
98  v[VX3] = 0.0;)
99  v[PRS] = pj;
100  #if PHYSICS == RMHD
101  EXPAND(v[BX1] = 0.0; ,
102  v[BX2] = vjet[BX2]; ,
103  v[BX3] = 0.0;)
104  v[AX1] = 0.0;
105  v[AX2] = 0.0;
106  v[AX3] = vjet[AX3];
107  #endif
108  #if NTRACER > 0
109  v[TRC] = 0.0;
110  #endif
111  #ifdef PSI_GLM
112  v[PSI_GLM] = 0.0;
113  #endif
115  g_smallPressure = 1.e-5;
116 }
#define VX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:29
#define RHOA
#define RHO
Definition: mod_defs.h:19
#define PSI_GLM
Definition: mod_defs.h:34
#define AX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:86
#define TRC
Definition: pluto.h:581
double g_smallPressure
Small value for pressure fix.
Definition: globals.h:110
#define VX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:28
#define AX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:87
double g_inputParam[32]
Array containing the user-defined parameters.
Definition: globals.h:131
#define BX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:27
static double pj
Definition: init.c:73
void GetJetValues(double, double *)
Definition: init.c:264
static double g_gamma
Definition: init.c:76
#define AX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:85
#define BX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:25
#define VX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:30
#define BX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:26

Here is the call graph for this function:

void UserDefBoundary ( const Data d,
RBox box,
int  side,
Grid grid 

Assign user-defined boundary conditions.

[in,out]dpointer to the PLUTO data structure containing cell-centered primitive quantities (d->Vc) and staggered magnetic fields (d->Vs, when used) to be filled.
[in]boxpointer to a RBox structure containing the lower and upper indices of the ghost zone-centers/nodes or edges at which data values should be assigned.
[in]sidespecifies the boundary side where ghost zones need to be filled. It can assume the following pre-definite values: X1_BEG, X1_END, X2_BEG, X2_END, X3_BEG, X3_END. The special value side == 0 is used to control a region inside the computational domain.
[in]gridpointer to an array of Grid structures.

Assign user-defined boundary conditions in the lower boundary ghost zones. The profile is top-hat:

\[ V_{ij} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} V_{\rm jet} & \quad\mathrm{for}\quad r_i < 1 \\ \noalign{\medskip} \mathrm{Reflect}(V) & \quad\mathrm{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \]

where $ V_{\rm jet} = (\rho,v,p)_{\rm jet} = (1,M,1/\Gamma)$ and M is the flow Mach number (the unit velocity is the jet sound speed, so $ v = M$).

Assign user-defined boundary conditions:

  • left side (x beg): constant shocked values
  • bottom side (y beg): constant shocked values for x < 1/6 and reflective boundary otherwise.
  • top side (y end): time-dependent boundary: for $ x < x_s(t) = 10 t/\sin\alpha + 1/6 + 1.0/\tan\alpha $ we use fixed (post-shock) values. Unperturbed values otherwise.

Assign user-defined boundary conditions at inner and outer radial boundaries. Reflective conditions are applied except for the azimuthal velocity which is fixed.

Assign user-defined boundary conditions.

[in/out]d pointer to the PLUTO data structure containing cell-centered primitive quantities (d->Vc) and staggered magnetic fields (d->Vs, when used) to be filled.
[in]boxpointer to a RBox structure containing the lower and upper indices of the ghost zone-centers/nodes or edges at which data values should be assigned.
[in]sidespecifies on which side boundary conditions need to be assigned. side can assume the following pre-definite values: X1_BEG, X1_END, X2_BEG, X2_END, X3_BEG, X3_END. The special value side == 0 is used to control a region inside the computational domain.
[in]gridpointer to an array of Grid structures.

Set the injection boundary condition at the lower z-boundary (X2-beg must be set to userdef in pluto.ini). For $ R \le 1 $ we set constant input values (given by the GetJetValues() function while for $ R > 1 $ the solution has equatorial symmetry with respect to the z=0 plane. To avoid numerical problems with a "top-hat" discontinuous jump, we smoothly merge the inlet and reflected value using a profile function Profile().

Provide inner radial boundary condition in polar geometry. Zero gradient is prescribed on density, pressure and magnetic field. For the velocity, zero gradient is imposed on v/r (v = vr, vphi).

The user-defined boundary is used to impose stress-free boundary and purely vertical magnetic field at the top and bottom boundaries, as done in Bodo et al. (2012). In addition, constant temperature and hydrostatic balance are imposed. For instance, at the bottom boundary, one has:

\[ \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} \DS \frac{dp}{dz} &=& \rho g_z \\ \noalign{\medskip} p &=& \rho c_s^2 \end{array}\right. \qquad\Longrightarrow\qquad \frac{p_{k+1}-p_k}{\Delta z} = \frac{p_{k} + p_{k+1}}{2c_s^2}g_z \]

where $g_z$ is the value of gravity at the lower boundary. Solving for $p_k$ at the bottom boundary where $k=k_b-1$ gives:

\[ \left\{\begin{array}{lcl} p_k &=& \DS p_{k+1} \frac{1-a}{1+a} \\ \noalign{\medskip} \rho_k &=& \DS \frac{p_k}{c_s^2} \end{array}\right. \qquad\mathrm{where}\qquad a = \frac{\Delta z g_z}{2c_s^2} > 0 \]

where, for simplicity, we keep constant temperature in the ghost zones rather than at the boundary interface (this seems to give a more stable behavior and avoids negative densities). A similar treatment holds at the top boundary.

Assign user-defined boundary conditions. At the inner boundary we use outflow conditions, except for velocity which we reset to zero when there's an inflow

Definition at line 128 of file init.c.

133 {
134  int i, j, k, nv;
135  double *x1, *x2, *x3;
136  double ***bxs, ***bys, ***bzs;
137  double prof, vjet[256], vout[NVAR];
139  #ifdef STAGGERED_MHD
140  D_EXPAND(bxs = d->Vs[BX1s]; ,
141  bys = d->Vs[BX2s]; ,
142  bzs = d->Vs[BX3s];)
143  #endif
145  x1 = grid[IDIR].xgc;
146  x2 = grid[JDIR].xgc;
147  x3 = grid[KDIR].xgc;
149  if (side == X2_BEG){ /* -- X2_BEG boundary -- */
150  if (box->vpos == CENTER){ /* -- cell-centered boundary conditions -- */
151  BOX_LOOP(box,k,j,i){
152  GetJetValues (x1[i], x2[j], x3[k], vjet); /* Jet Values */
153  VAR_LOOP(nv) vout[nv] = d->Vc[nv][k][2*JBEG - j - 1][i]; /* Ambient */
155  vout[VX2] *= -1.0;
156  EXPAND(vout[BX1] *= -1.0; ,
157  ; ,
158  vout[BX3] *= -1.0;)
159  #ifdef PSI_GLM
160  vjet[PSI_GLM] = d->Vc[PSI_GLM][k][JBEG][i] - d->Vc[BX2][k][JBEG][i];
161  vout[PSI_GLM] *= -1.0;
162  #endif
164  prof = (fabs(x1[i]) <= 1.0);
165  VAR_LOOP(nv) d->Vc[nv][k][j][i] = vout[nv] - (vout[nv] - vjet[nv])*prof;
166  }
168  }else if (box->vpos == X1FACE){ /* -- staggered fields -- */
169  #ifdef STAGGERED_MHD
170  x1 = grid[IDIR].xr;
171  vjet[BX1] = 0.0;
172  BOX_LOOP(box,k,j,i){
173  vout[BX1] = -bxs[k][2*JBEG - j - 1][i];
174  prof = (fabs(x1[i]) <= 1.0);
175  bxs[k][j][i] = vout[BX1] - (vout[BX1] - vjet[BX1])*prof;
176  }
177  #endif
178  }
179  }
180 }
double **** Vs
The main four-index data array used for face-centered staggered magnetic fields.
Definition: structs.h:43
#define VX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:29
#define CENTER
Definition: pluto.h:200
int vpos
Location of the variable inside the cell.
Definition: structs.h:359
double * xr
Definition: structs.h:81
#define BOX_LOOP(B, k, j, i)
Definition: macros.h:70
double **** Vc
The main four-index data array used for cell-centered primitive variables.
Definition: structs.h:31
#define PSI_GLM
Definition: mod_defs.h:34
#define BX3s
Definition: ct.h:29
#define KDIR
Definition: pluto.h:195
#define X1FACE
Definition: pluto.h:201
#define VAR_LOOP(n)
Definition: macros.h:226
#define IDIR
Definition: pluto.h:193
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
Definition: analysis.c:10
int k
Definition: analysis.c:2
#define BX1s
Definition: ct.h:27
double * xgc
Cell volumetric centroid (!= x when geometry != CARTESIAN).
Definition: structs.h:84
#define BX3
Definition: mod_defs.h:27
D_EXPAND(tot/[n]=(double) grid[IDIR].np_int_glob;, tot/[n]=(double) grid[JDIR].np_int_glob;, tot/[n]=(double) grid[KDIR].np_int_glob;)
Definition: analysis.c:27
int i
Definition: analysis.c:2
void GetJetValues(double, double *)
Definition: init.c:264
#define BX1
Definition: mod_defs.h:25
#define BX2s
Definition: ct.h:28
#define X2_BEG
Boundary region at X2 beg.
Definition: pluto.h:148
#define BX2
Definition: mod_defs.h:26
#define JDIR
Definition: pluto.h:194
long int JBEG
Lower grid index of the computational domain in the the X2 direction for the local processor...
Definition: globals.h:39
#define NVAR
Definition: pluto.h:609

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

double g_gamma

Definition at line 76 of file init.c.

double pj

Definition at line 73 of file init.c.