Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "pluto.h"
3 /* ********************************************************************* */
4 void Radiat (double *v, double *rhs)
5 /*!
6  * Cooling for neutral or singly ionized gas: good up to about 35,000 K
7  * in equilibrium or shocks in neutral gas up to about 80 km/s.
8  * Assumed abundances in ab
9  * Uses t : Kelvin
10  * dene : electron density cm*-3
11  * fneut : hydrogen neutral fraction (adimensionale)
12  * ci,cr : H ionization and recombination rate coefficients
13  *
14  *
15  * em(1) = TOTAL EMISSIVITY : (ergs cm**3 s**-1)
16  * em(2) = Ly alpha + two photon continuum: Aggarwal MNRAS 202,
17  * 10**4.3 K
18  * em(3) = H alpha: Aggarwal, Case B
19  * em(4) = He I 584 + two photon + 623 (all n=2 excitations): Berrington
20  * &Kingston,JPB 20
21  * em(5) = C I 9850 + 9823: Mendoza, IAU 103, 5000 K
22  * em(6) = C II, 156 micron: Mendoza, 10,000 K
23  * em(7) = C II] 2325 A: Mendoza, 15,000 K
24  * em(8) = N I 5200 A: Mendoza, 7500 K
25  * em(9) = N II 6584 + 6548 A: Mendoza
26  * em(10) = O I 63 micron: Mendoza,2500 K
27  * em(11) = O I 6300 A + 6363 A: Mendoza, 7500 K
28  * em(12) = O II 3727: Mendoza
29  * em(13) = Mg II 2800: Mendoza
30  * em(14) = Si II 35 micron: Dufton&Kingston, MNRAS 248
31  * em(15) = S II 6717+6727: Mendoza
32  * em(16) = Fe II 25 micron: Nussbaumer&Storey
33  * em(17) = Fe II 1.6 micron
34  * em(18) = thermal energy lost by ionization
35  * em(19) = thermal energy lost by recombination (2/3 kT per
36  * recombination.
37  * The ionization energy lost is not included here.
38  *
39  *********************************************************************** */
40 {
41  int ii, k, status;
42  double T, mu, st, rho, prs, fn;
43  double N_H, n_el, cr, ci, rlosst, em[20], src_pr;
45  static double t00[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 1.18e5, 1.40e5, 2.46e5, 1.46e4,
46  92.1 , 6.18e4, 2.76e4, 2.19e4, 228.0 , 2.28e4,
47  3.86e4, 5.13e4, 410.0 , 2.13e4, 575.0 , 8980.0};
49  static double ep[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 10.2 , 1.89, 21.2 , 1.26,
50  0.0079, 5.33, 2.38 , 1.89, 0.0197, 1.96,
51  3.33 , 4.43, 0.0354, 1.85, 0.0495, 0.775};
53  static double critn[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 1.e10, 1.e10, 1.e10, 312.0,
54  0.849, 1.93e7, 124.0, 865.0, 1090.0, 3950.0,
55  177.0, 1.e10 , 16.8, 96.0, 580.0, 1130.0};
57  static double om[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 0.90, 0.35, 0.15 , 0.067,
58  0.63, 0.52, 0.90, 0.30, 0.0055, 0.19,
59  0.33, 8.0 , 2.85, 1.75, 0.3 ,0.39};
61  static double ab[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.1 , 0.0003,
62  0.0003, 0.0003 , 0.0001 , 0.0001 , 0.0006 , 0.0006,
63  0.0006, 0.00002, 0.00004, 0.00004, 0.00004, 0.00004};
65  static double fn1[20] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
66  0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
67  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
68  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0};
70  static double fn2[20] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
71  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,-1.0,
72  1.0, 1.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
73  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,-1.0};
74  static int first_call = 1;
75  static double E_cost, Unit_Time, N_H_rho;
77  if (first_call) {
81  /* ------------------------------------------------------
82  conversion factor from total density to hydrogen
83  number density, i.e. nH = N_H_rho * rho
84  ------------------------------------------------------ */
87  first_call = 0;
88  }
90 /* -----------------------------------
91  Force fneut to stay between [0,1]
92  ----------------------------------- */
94  v[X_HI] = MAX(v[X_HI], 0.0);
95  v[X_HI] = MIN(v[X_HI], 1.0);
97 /* ---------------------------------------------------
98  Compute temperature from rho, rhoe and fractions
99  --------------------------------------------------- */
101  rho = v[RHO];
102  mu = MeanMolecularWeight(v);
103  #if EOS == IDEAL
104  if (v[RHOE] < 0.0) v[RHOE] = g_smallPressure/(g_gamma-1.0);
105  prs = v[RHOE]*(g_gamma-1.0);
106  T = prs/rho*KELVIN*mu;
107  #else
108  status = GetEV_Temperature(v[RHOE], v, &T);
109  if (status != 0) {
110  T = T_CUT_RHOE;
111  v[RHOE] = InternalEnergy(v, T);
112  }
113  #endif
115  fn = v[X_HI];
117  /* --------------------------------------------------------
118  Set source terms equal to zero when the temperature
119  falls below g_minCoolingTemp
120  -------------------------------------------------------- */
122 /* if (T < g_minCoolingTemp){
123  a = b = src_pr = 0.0;
124  continue;
125  }
126 */
127  if (mu < 0.0){
128  printf ("Negative mu in radiat \n");
129  exit(1);
130  }
132  st = sqrt(T);
133  N_H = N_H_rho*rho; /* -- number density of hydrogen N_H = N(HI) + N(HII) -- */
135  /* ---- coeff di ionizz. e ricomb. della particella fluida i,j ---- */
137  cr = 2.6e-11/st;
138  ci = 1.08e-8*st*exp(-157890.0/T)/(13.6*13.6);
140  n_el = N_H*(1.0 - fn + frac_Z); /* -- electron number density, in cm^{-3} -- */
141  rhs[X_HI] = Unit_Time*n_el*(-(ci + cr)*fn + cr);
143  em[1] = 0.0;
144  for (k = 2; k <= 17; k++){
145  em[k] = 1.6e-12*8.63e-6*om[k]*ep[k]*exp(-t00[k]/T)/st;
146  em[k] = em[k]*critn[k]*st/(n_el + critn[k]*st);
147  em[k] = em[k]*ab[k]*(fn1[k] + fn*fn2[k]);
148  em[1] = em[1] + em[k];
149  }
151  em[18] = ci*13.6*1.6e-12*fn;
152  em[19] = cr*0.67*1.6e-12*(1.0 - fn)*T/11590.0;
153  em[1] = em[1] + em[18] + em[19];
155  /* ---------------------------------------------------
156  rlosst is the energy loss in units of erg/cm^3/s;
157  it must be multiplied by cost_E in order to match
158  non-dimensional units.
159  Source term for the neutral fraction scales with
161  --------------------------------------------------- */
163  rlosst = em[1]*n_el*N_H;
164 /*
165  rhs[PRS] = -E_cost*rlosst*(g_gamma - 1.0);
166  rhs[PRS] *= 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -(T - g_minCoolingTemp)/100.0));
167 */
169  rhs[RHOE] = -E_cost*rlosst;
170  rhs[RHOE] *= 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -(T - g_minCoolingTemp)/100.0)); /* -- cutoff -- */
171 }
173 /* ********************************************************************* */
174 double H_MassFrac (void)
175 /*!
176  * Compute the mass fraction X of Hydrogen as function of the
177  * composition of the gas.
178  *
179  * f_H A_H
180  * X = ----------------
181  * \sum_k f_k A_k
182  *
183  * where
184  *
185  * f_k : is the fractional abundance (by number),
186  * f_k = N_k/N_tot
187  * of atomic species (no matter ionization degree).
188  *
189  * A_K : is the atomic weight
190  *
191  * Note: In this module, f_H = 1.0
192  *
193  * where N_{tot} is the total number density of particles
194  *
196  *
197  * none
198  *
199  *********************************************************************** */
200 {
202 }
204 /* ********************************************************************* */
205 double CompEquil (double N, double T, double *v)
206 /*
207  *
208  * compute the equilibrium ionization balance for (rho,T)
209  *
210  *
211  *********************************************************************** */
212 {
213  double cr, ci, st, n_e;
214  st = sqrt(T);
215  cr = 2.6e-11/st; /* recombination / ionization coefficients */
216  ci = 1.08e-8*st*exp(-157890.0/T)/(13.6*13.6);
217  v[X_HI] = cr / (ci + cr); /* compute fraction of neutrals at equilibrium */
218  n_e = (1.0 - v[X_HI] + frac_Z)*N;
219  return n_e;
220 }
#define MAX(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:101
tuple T
double g_gamma
Definition: globals.h:112
Unit density in gr/cm^3.
Definition: pluto.h:369
#define T_CUT_RHOE
Sets the lowest cut-off temperature used in the PVTE_LAW equation of state.
Definition: eos.h:69
double InternalEnergy(double *v, double T)
#define CONST_AH
Definition: pluto.h:250
#define RHO
Definition: mod_defs.h:19
#define CONST_amu
Atomic mass unit.
Definition: pluto.h:253
#define frac_He
Definition: cooling.h:17
#define frac_Z
Definition: cooling.h:15
void Radiat(double *v, double *rhs)
Definition: radiat.c:94
double g_smallPressure
Small value for pressure fix.
Definition: globals.h:110
#define KELVIN
Definition: pluto.h:401
double H_MassFrac(void)
Definition: radiat.c:721
#define MIN(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:104
Unit velocity in cm/sec.
Definition: pluto.h:377
int GetEV_Temperature(double rhoe, double *v, double *T)
Unit Length in cm.
Definition: pluto.h:373
#define CONST_AZ
Mean atomic weight of heavy elements.
Definition: pluto.h:252
Definition: cooling.h:110
int k
Definition: analysis.c:2
double g_minCoolingTemp
The minimum temperature (in K) below which cooling is suppressed.
Definition: globals.h:106
PLUTO main header file.
double MeanMolecularWeight(double *V)
#define CONST_AHe
Atomic weight of Helium.
Definition: pluto.h:251
double CompEquil(double N, double T, double *v)
Definition: radiat.c:205