radiat.c File Reference
#include "pluto.h"
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void Radiat (double *v, double *rhs)
double H_MassFrac (void)
double CompEquil (double N, double T, double *v)

Function Documentation

double CompEquil ( double  N,
double  T,
double *  v 
[in]nthe particle number density (not needed, but kept for compatibility)
[in]Tthe temperature (in K) for which equilibrium must be found.
[in,out]van array of primitive variables. On input, only density needs to be defined. On output, fractions will be updated to the equilibrium values.

Compute the equilibrium ionization balance for (rho,T)

Definition at line 205 of file radiat.c.

212 {
213  double cr, ci, st, n_e;
214  st = sqrt(T);
215  cr = 2.6e-11/st; /* recombination / ionization coefficients */
216  ci = 1.08e-8*st*exp(-157890.0/T)/(13.6*13.6);
217  v[X_HI] = cr / (ci + cr); /* compute fraction of neutrals at equilibrium */
218  n_e = (1.0 - v[X_HI] + frac_Z)*N;
219  return n_e;
220 }
tuple T
#define frac_Z
Definition: cooling.h:15
Definition: cooling.h:110

Here is the call graph for this function:

double H_MassFrac ( void  )

Compute the mass fraction X of Hydrogen as function of the composition of the gas.

      f_H A_H

X = -------------— f_k A_k


f_k : is the fractional abundance (by number), f_k = N_k/N_tot of atomic species (no matter ionization degree).

A_K : is the atomic weight

Note: In this module, f_H = 1.0

where N_{tot} is the total number density of particles



Definition at line 174 of file radiat.c.

200 {
202 }
#define CONST_AH
Definition: pluto.h:250
#define frac_He
Definition: cooling.h:17
#define frac_Z
Definition: cooling.h:15
#define CONST_AZ
Mean atomic weight of heavy elements.
Definition: pluto.h:252
#define CONST_AHe
Atomic weight of Helium.
Definition: pluto.h:251
void Radiat ( double *  v,
double *  rhs 

Cooling for neutral or singly ionized gas: good up to about 35,000 K in equilibrium or shocks in neutral gas up to about 80 km/s. Assumed abundances in ab Uses t : Kelvin dene : electron density cm*-3 fneut : hydrogen neutral fraction (adimensionale) ci,cr : H ionization and recombination rate coefficients

em(1) = TOTAL EMISSIVITY : (ergs cm**3 s**-1) em(2) = Ly alpha + two photon continuum: Aggarwal MNRAS 202, 10**4.3 K em(3) = H alpha: Aggarwal, Case B em(4) = He I 584 + two photon + 623 (all n=2 excitations): Berrington &Kingston,JPB 20 em(5) = C I 9850 + 9823: Mendoza, IAU 103, 5000 K em(6) = C II, 156 micron: Mendoza, 10,000 K em(7) = C II] 2325 A: Mendoza, 15,000 K em(8) = N I 5200 A: Mendoza, 7500 K em(9) = N II 6584 + 6548 A: Mendoza em(10) = O I 63 micron: Mendoza,2500 K em(11) = O I 6300 A + 6363 A: Mendoza, 7500 K em(12) = O II 3727: Mendoza em(13) = Mg II 2800: Mendoza em(14) = Si II 35 micron: Dufton&Kingston, MNRAS 248 em(15) = S II 6717+6727: Mendoza em(16) = Fe II 25 micron: Nussbaumer&Storey em(17) = Fe II 1.6 micron em(18) = thermal energy lost by ionization em(19) = thermal energy lost by recombination (2/3 kT per recombination. The ionization energy lost is not included here.

Definition at line 4 of file radiat.c.

40 {
41  int ii, k, status;
42  double T, mu, st, rho, prs, fn;
43  double N_H, n_el, cr, ci, rlosst, em[20], src_pr;
45  static double t00[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 1.18e5, 1.40e5, 2.46e5, 1.46e4,
46  92.1 , 6.18e4, 2.76e4, 2.19e4, 228.0 , 2.28e4,
47  3.86e4, 5.13e4, 410.0 , 2.13e4, 575.0 , 8980.0};
49  static double ep[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 10.2 , 1.89, 21.2 , 1.26,
50  0.0079, 5.33, 2.38 , 1.89, 0.0197, 1.96,
51  3.33 , 4.43, 0.0354, 1.85, 0.0495, 0.775};
53  static double critn[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 1.e10, 1.e10, 1.e10, 312.0,
54  0.849, 1.93e7, 124.0, 865.0, 1090.0, 3950.0,
55  177.0, 1.e10 , 16.8, 96.0, 580.0, 1130.0};
57  static double om[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 0.90, 0.35, 0.15 , 0.067,
58  0.63, 0.52, 0.90, 0.30, 0.0055, 0.19,
59  0.33, 8.0 , 2.85, 1.75, 0.3 ,0.39};
61  static double ab[18] = {0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.1 , 0.0003,
62  0.0003, 0.0003 , 0.0001 , 0.0001 , 0.0006 , 0.0006,
63  0.0006, 0.00002, 0.00004, 0.00004, 0.00004, 0.00004};
65  static double fn1[20] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
66  0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0,
67  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
68  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0};
70  static double fn2[20] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
71  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,-1.0,
72  1.0, 1.0,-1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
73  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,-1.0};
74  static int first_call = 1;
75  static double E_cost, Unit_Time, N_H_rho;
77  if (first_call) {
81  /* ------------------------------------------------------
82  conversion factor from total density to hydrogen
83  number density, i.e. nH = N_H_rho * rho
84  ------------------------------------------------------ */
87  first_call = 0;
88  }
90 /* -----------------------------------
91  Force fneut to stay between [0,1]
92  ----------------------------------- */
94  v[X_HI] = MAX(v[X_HI], 0.0);
95  v[X_HI] = MIN(v[X_HI], 1.0);
97 /* ---------------------------------------------------
98  Compute temperature from rho, rhoe and fractions
99  --------------------------------------------------- */
101  rho = v[RHO];
102  mu = MeanMolecularWeight(v);
103  #if EOS == IDEAL
104  if (v[RHOE] < 0.0) v[RHOE] = g_smallPressure/(g_gamma-1.0);
105  prs = v[RHOE]*(g_gamma-1.0);
106  T = prs/rho*KELVIN*mu;
107  #else
108  status = GetEV_Temperature(v[RHOE], v, &T);
109  if (status != 0) {
110  T = T_CUT_RHOE;
111  v[RHOE] = InternalEnergy(v, T);
112  }
113  #endif
115  fn = v[X_HI];
117  /* --------------------------------------------------------
118  Set source terms equal to zero when the temperature
119  falls below g_minCoolingTemp
120  -------------------------------------------------------- */
122 /* if (T < g_minCoolingTemp){
123  a = b = src_pr = 0.0;
124  continue;
125  }
126 */
127  if (mu < 0.0){
128  printf ("Negative mu in radiat \n");
129  exit(1);
130  }
132  st = sqrt(T);
133  N_H = N_H_rho*rho; /* -- number density of hydrogen N_H = N(HI) + N(HII) -- */
135  /* ---- coeff di ionizz. e ricomb. della particella fluida i,j ---- */
137  cr = 2.6e-11/st;
138  ci = 1.08e-8*st*exp(-157890.0/T)/(13.6*13.6);
140  n_el = N_H*(1.0 - fn + frac_Z); /* -- electron number density, in cm^{-3} -- */
141  rhs[X_HI] = Unit_Time*n_el*(-(ci + cr)*fn + cr);
143  em[1] = 0.0;
144  for (k = 2; k <= 17; k++){
145  em[k] = 1.6e-12*8.63e-6*om[k]*ep[k]*exp(-t00[k]/T)/st;
146  em[k] = em[k]*critn[k]*st/(n_el + critn[k]*st);
147  em[k] = em[k]*ab[k]*(fn1[k] + fn*fn2[k]);
148  em[1] = em[1] + em[k];
149  }
151  em[18] = ci*13.6*1.6e-12*fn;
152  em[19] = cr*0.67*1.6e-12*(1.0 - fn)*T/11590.0;
153  em[1] = em[1] + em[18] + em[19];
155  /* ---------------------------------------------------
156  rlosst is the energy loss in units of erg/cm^3/s;
157  it must be multiplied by cost_E in order to match
158  non-dimensional units.
159  Source term for the neutral fraction scales with
161  --------------------------------------------------- */
163  rlosst = em[1]*n_el*N_H;
164 /*
165  rhs[PRS] = -E_cost*rlosst*(g_gamma - 1.0);
166  rhs[PRS] *= 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -(T - g_minCoolingTemp)/100.0));
167 */
169  rhs[RHOE] = -E_cost*rlosst;
170  rhs[RHOE] *= 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -(T - g_minCoolingTemp)/100.0)); /* -- cutoff -- */
171 }
#define MAX(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:101
tuple T
double g_gamma
Definition: globals.h:112
Unit density in gr/cm^3.
Definition: pluto.h:369
#define T_CUT_RHOE
Sets the lowest cut-off temperature used in the PVTE_LAW equation of state.
Definition: eos.h:69
double InternalEnergy(double *v, double T)
#define CONST_AH
Definition: pluto.h:250
#define RHO
Definition: mod_defs.h:19
#define CONST_amu
Atomic mass unit.
Definition: pluto.h:253
#define frac_He
Definition: cooling.h:17
#define frac_Z
Definition: cooling.h:15
double g_smallPressure
Small value for pressure fix.
Definition: globals.h:110
#define KELVIN
Definition: pluto.h:401
#define MIN(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:104
Unit velocity in cm/sec.
Definition: pluto.h:377
int GetEV_Temperature(double rhoe, double *v, double *T)
Unit Length in cm.
Definition: pluto.h:373
#define CONST_AZ
Mean atomic weight of heavy elements.
Definition: pluto.h:252
Definition: cooling.h:110
int k
Definition: analysis.c:2
double g_minCoolingTemp
The minimum temperature (in K) below which cooling is suppressed.
Definition: globals.h:106
double MeanMolecularWeight(double *V)
#define CONST_AHe
Atomic weight of Helium.
Definition: pluto.h:251

Here is the call graph for this function: