comp_equil.c File Reference

Compute equilibrium fractions for the H2_COOL module. More...

#include "pluto.h"
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void CompEquil (double n, double T, double *v)

Detailed Description

Compute equilibrium fractions for the H2_COOL module.

Compute the equilibrium fractions of atomic and molecular hydrogen for a given density and temperature (Collisional Excitation Equlibrium or CIE). This corresponds to the simultaneous solution of the three rate equations

R_HI (f,h,g) = 0 
R_HII(f,h,g) = 0 
R_H2 (f,h,g) = 0 

where f = X(HI), h = X(HII), g = X(H2) are the number fraction of atomic, ionized and molecular hydrogen, respectively. The functions R_HI, R_HII and R_H2 are given in radiat.c. The previous system is reduced to a single scalar equation in either f or h by using h = ci/cr*f and the normalization condition g = (1-h-f)/2. A maple script can be found at the end of this file. The final equation is a quadratic,

a*f^2 + b*f + c = 0

and we have verified that the solution with the - sign is the physical acceptable one since 0 <= f <= 1 for any T.

Note that the solution for g at very large temperatures may suffer from machine precision when g becomes very small (g < 1.e-19). Using long double for the coefficients of the quadratic helps a little bit.

A. Mignone (
B. Vaidya
March 1, 2015

Definition in file comp_equil.c.

Function Documentation

void CompEquil ( double  n,
double  T,
double *  v 
[in]nthe particle number density (not needed, but kept for compatibility)
[in]Tthe temperature (in K) for which equilibrium must be found.
[in,out]van array of primitive variables. On input, only density needs to be defined. On output, fractions will be updated to the equilibrium values.

Definition at line 44 of file comp_equil.c.

56 {
57  double cr, ci, kr1, kr2, kr3, kr4;
58  double frac_Z, st, tev;
59  long double a, b, c, qc, scrh, az;
60  long double f, h, g;
61  double krv[9];
63  H2RateTables(T, krv);
64  kr1 = krv[0];
65  kr2 = krv[1];
66  kr3 = krv[2];
67  kr4 = krv[3];
68  cr = krv[4];
69  ci = krv[5];
71  kr2 /= kr1;
72  kr3 /= kr1;
73  kr4 /= kr1;
74  kr1 = 1.0;
77  az = 0.5*CONST_AZ*frac_Z;
79 /* ---------------------------------------------------
80  Solve quadratic equation for fn or hn.
81  The solution depends only on temperature and the
82  physical solution is the one with - sign.
83  --------------------------------------------------- */
85  if (T < 1.e16) { /* Solve for fn */
86  qc = ci/cr;
87  scrh = -0.5*(1.0 + qc);
88  a = (long double)(scrh*(kr2 + kr3*scrh + kr4*qc) - kr1);
89  b = (long double)( 0.5*(kr2 + kr3*scrh + kr4*qc + scrh*(kr3 + 2.0*kr4*az)));
90  c = (long double)(0.5*(0.5*kr3 + kr4*az));
92  /* ------------------------------------------
93  Set fn = 0.0 below T = 300 K to prevent
94  machine accuracy problems
95  ------------------------------------------ */
97  if (T > 300.0){
98  if (b >= 0.0) f = -(b + sqrtl(b*b - 4.0*a*c))/(2.0*a);
99  else f = 2.0*c/(sqrtl(b*b - 4.0*a*c) - b);
100  }else{
101  f = 0.0;
102  }
103  h = qc*f;
104  g = 0.5*(1.0 - f*(1.0 + qc));
106  /* -- Set g = 0 if we are close to machine accuracy -- */
108 /* if ( fabs(1.0 - h - f) < 1.e-15) g = 0.0; */
110  }else{ /* Solve for hn */
112  qc = cr/ci;
113  scrh = -0.5*(1.0 + qc);
114  a = scrh*(kr2*qc + kr3*scrh + kr4) - kr1*qc*qc;
115  b = 0.5*(kr2*qc + kr3*scrh + kr4 + scrh*(kr3 + 2.0*kr4*az));
116  c = 0.5*(0.5*kr3 + kr4*az);
117  h = -(b + sqrtl(b*b - 4.0*a*c))/(2.0*a);
118  f = qc*h;
119  g = 0.5*(1.0 - h*(1.0 + qc));
120  }
122  v[X_HI] = f;
123  v[X_HII] = h;
124  v[X_H2] = g;
125 }
static double a
Definition: init.c:135
tuple T
#define CONST_AH
Definition: pluto.h:250
tuple scrh
#define frac_Z
Definition: cooling.h:15
#define He_MASS_FRAC
Definition: pluto.h:551
#define X_HII
Definition: cooling.h:31
#define CONST_AZ
Mean atomic weight of heavy elements.
Definition: pluto.h:252
Definition: cooling.h:110
tuple c
#define X_H2
Definition: cooling.h:30
#define H_MASS_FRAC
Definition: pluto.h:542
void H2RateTables(double, double *)
Definition: radiat.c:7

Here is the caller graph for this function: