Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
2 /*!
3  \file
4  \brief PVTE_LAW for a partially ionized gas.
6  Compute the internal energy for a partially ionized hydrogen gas.
8  \author A. Mignone (\n
9  B. Vaidya
10  \date 29 Aug 2014
12  \b Reference
13  - PLUTO Users' guide.
14 */
15 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
16 #include "pluto.h"
18 static double SahaXFrac(double T, double rho);
19 #define DIFF_ORDER 4 /* = 2 or 4 for 2nd or 4th accurate approximations
20  to derivatives in Gamma1() */
21 #define INTE_EXACT 1 /* Compute internal energy exactly in Gamma1() */
23 /* ***************************************************************** */
24 double InternalEnergyFunc(double *v, double T)
25 /*!
26  * Compute the gas internal energy as a function of temperature
27  * and fractions (or density):
28  * - <tt> rhoe = rhoe(T,rho) </tt> in LTE or CIE;
29  * - <tt> rhoe = rhoe(T,X) </tt> in non-equilibrium chemistry.
30  *
31  * \param [in] v 1D Array of primitive variables containing
32  * density and species. Other variables are
33  * ignored.
34  * \param [in] T Gas temperature
35  *
36  * \return The gas internal energy (\c rhoe) in code units.
37  ******************************************************************* */
38 {
39  double x, rho, e, mu, kT;
40  double rhoe, chi = 13.6*CONST_eV;
43  kT = CONST_kB*T;
44  x = SahaXFrac(T, v[RHO]);
45  GetMu(T,v[RHO],&mu);
46  rho = v[RHO]*UNIT_DENSITY;
47  e = 1.5*kT/(mu*CONST_amu) + chi*x/CONST_mH;
49 /*
50 FILE *fp;
51 double p, lnT;
52 fp = fopen("gamma.dat","w");
53 v[RHO] = 1.0;
54 for (lnT = 2; lnT < 6; lnT += 0.01){
55  T = pow(10.0, lnT);
56  kT = CONST_kB*T;
57  x = SahaXFrac(T, v[RHO]);
58  GetMu(T,v[RHO],&mu);
59  rho = v[RHO]*UNIT_DENSITY;
60  e = 1.5*kT/(mu*CONST_amu) + chi*x/CONST_mH;
61 p = kT/(mu*CONST_amu)*rho;
62 fprintf (fp,"%12.6e %12.6e %12.6e\n",T,p/(rho*e) + 1.0, x);
63 }
64 fclose(fp);
65 exit(1);
66 */
68  return rho*e/p0; /* Convert to code units */
69 }
71 /* ********************************************************************* */
72 double SahaXFrac(double T, double rho)
73 /*!
74  * Use Saha equation to compute the degree of ionization.
75  *
76  *
77  *********************************************************************** */
78 {
79  double me, kT, h3, c, x, n;
80  double chi = 13.6*CONST_eV;
82  rho *= UNIT_DENSITY;
84  me = 2.0*CONST_PI*CONST_me;
85  kT = CONST_kB*T;
86  h3 = CONST_h*CONST_h*CONST_h;
88  n = rho/CONST_mp; /* = n(protons) + n(neutrals) not n(total) */
89  c = me*kT*sqrt(me*kT)/(h3*n)*exp(-chi/kT);
91  x = 2.0/(sqrt(1.0 + 4.0/c) + 1.0);
92  return x;
93 }
95 /* ********************************************************************* */
96 void GetMu(double T, double rho, double *mu)
97 /*!
98  * Calculate the mean molecular weight for the case in which
99  * hydrogen fractions are estimated using Saha Equations.
100  *
101  * \param [in] T Gas temperature in Kelvin.
102  * \param [in] rho Gas density (code units)
103  * \param [out] mu Mean molecular weight
104  *
105  *********************************************************************** */
106 {
107  double x;
108  x = SahaXFrac(T, rho);
109  *mu = 1.0/(1.0 + x);
110 }
112 /* ********************************************************************* */
113 double Gamma1(double *v)
114 /*!
115  * Calculate the value of the first adiabatic index:
116  * \f[
117  * \Gamma_1 = \frac{1}{c_V}\frac{p}{\rho T} \chi_T^2 + \chi_\rho^2
118  * \qquad{\rm where}\quad
119  * \chi_T = \left(\pd{\log p}{\log T}\right)_{\rho} =
120  * 1 - \pd{\log{\mu}}{\log T} \,;\quad
121  * \chi_\rho = \left(\pd{\log p}{\log\rho}\right)_{T} =
122  * 1 - \pd{\log{\mu}}{\log\rho} \,;\quad
123  * \f]
124  * where \c p and \c rho are in c.g.s units.
125  * Note that if species are evolved explicitly (non-equilibrium chemistry),
126  * we set \c chi=1.
127  *
128  * The heat capacity at constant volume, \c cV, is defined as the
129  * derivative of specific internal energy with respect to temperature:
130  * \f[
131  * c_V = \left.\pd{e}{T}\right|_V
132  * \f]
133  * and it is computed numerically using a centered derivative.
134  *
135  * This function is needed (at present) only when computing the
136  * sound speed in the Riemann solver.
137  * Since this is only needed for an approximated value, 5/3 (upper
138  * bound) should be ok.
139  *
140  * \param [in] v 1D array of primitive quantities
141  *
142  * \return Value of first adiabatic index Gamma1.
143  *********************************************************************** */
144 {
145  double gmm1, T;
146  double cv, mu, chirho = 1.0, chiT = 1.0, rho, rhoe;
147  double epp, emm, ep, em, delta = 1.e-3;
148  double Tpp, Tmm, Tp, Tm, mupp, mumm, mup, mum, rhopp, rhomm, rhop, rhom;
149  double dmu_dT, dmu_drho, de_dT;
151  return 1.666667;
153 /* ---------------------------------------------
154  Obtain temperature and fractions.
155  --------------------------------------------- */
157  #if NIONS == 0
158  GetPV_Temperature(v, &T);
159  GetMu(T, v[RHO], &mu);
160  #else
161  mu = MeanMolecularWeight(v);
162  T = v[PRS]/v[RHO]*KELVIN*mu;
163  #endif
165 /* ---------------------------------------------------
166  Compute cV (Specific heat capacity for constant
167  volume) using centered derivative.
168  cV will be in code units. The corresponding cgs
169  units will be the same velocity^2/Kelvin.
170  --------------------------------------------------- */
172  Tp = T*(1.0 + delta);
173  Tm = T*(1.0 - delta);
174  Tmm = T*(1.0 - 2.0*delta);
175  Tpp = T*(1.0 + 2.0*delta);
177  #if INTE_EXACT
178  emm = InternalEnergyFunc(v, Tmm)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
179  em = InternalEnergyFunc(v, Tm)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
180  ep = InternalEnergyFunc(v, Tp)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
181  epp = InternalEnergyFunc(v, Tpp)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
182  #else
183  emm = InternalEnergy(v, Tmm)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
184  em = InternalEnergy(v, Tm)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
185  ep = InternalEnergy(v, Tp)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
186  epp = InternalEnergy(v, Tpp)/v[RHO]; /* in code units */
187  #endif
189  #if DIFF_ORDER == 2
190  de_dT = (ep - em)/(2.0*delta*T);
191  #elif DIFF_ORDER == 4
192  de_dT = (emm - 8.0*em + 8.0*ep - epp)/(12.0*delta*T);
193  #else
194  #error Order not allowed in Gamma1()
195  #endif
197  cv = de_dT; /* this is code units. */
199  #if NIONS == 0
200  rho = v[RHO];
202  GetMu(Tp, rho, &mup);
203  GetMu(Tm, rho, &mum);
204  GetMu(Tpp, rho, &mupp);
205  GetMu(Tmm, rho, &mumm);
207  #if DIFF_ORDER == 2
208  dmu_dT = (mup - mum)/(2.0*delta*T);
209  #elif DIFF_ORDER == 4
210  dmu_dT = (mumm - 8.0*mum + 8.0*mup - mupp)/(12.0*delta*T);
211  #else
212  #error Order not allowed in Gamma1()
213  #endif
215  chiT = 1.0 - T/mu*dmu_dT;
217  rhop = rho*(1.0 + delta);
218  rhom = rho*(1.0 - delta);
219  rhopp = rho*(1.0 + 2.0*delta);
220  rhomm = rho*(1.0 - 2.0*delta);
222  GetMu(T, rhop, &mup);
223  GetMu(T, rhom, &mum);
224  GetMu(T, rhopp, &mupp);
225  GetMu(T, rhomm, &mumm);
227  #if DIFF_ORDER == 2
228  dmu_drho = (mup - mum)/(2.0*delta*rho);
229  #elif DIFF_ORDER == 4
230  dmu_drho = (mumm - 8.0*mum + 8.0*mup - mupp)/(12.0*delta*rho);
231  #else
232  #error Order not allowed in Gamma1()
233  #endif
234  chirho = 1.0 - rho/mu*dmu_drho;
235  #endif
237 /* --------------------------------------------
238  Compute first adiabatic index
239  -------------------------------------------- */
240 /*
241 printf ("gmm1: prs = %12.6e, T = %12.6e, chiT = %12.6e, chirho = %12.6e\n",
242  v[PRS], T, chiT, chirho);
243 */
244  gmm1 = v[PRS]/(cv*T*v[RHO])*chiT*chiT + chirho;
246 //printf ("gmm1 = %f\n",gmm1);
247  return gmm1;
249 }
#define CONST_h
Planck Constant.
Definition: pluto.h:258
tuple T
static double SahaXFrac(double T, double rho)
Definition: pvte_law_H+.c:72
Unit density in gr/cm^3.
Definition: pluto.h:369
double InternalEnergy(double *v, double T)
static int n
Definition: analysis.c:3
#define CONST_eV
Electron Volt in erg.
Definition: pluto.h:256
#define RHO
Definition: mod_defs.h:19
#define CONST_amu
Atomic mass unit.
Definition: pluto.h:253
double rhoe
Definition: eos.h:107
double v[NVAR]
Definition: eos.h:106
#define KELVIN
Definition: pluto.h:401
#define CONST_mp
Proton mass.
Definition: pluto.h:261
#define CONST_me
Electron mass.
Definition: pluto.h:263
Unit velocity in cm/sec.
Definition: pluto.h:377
#define CONST_kB
Boltzmann constant.
Definition: pluto.h:259
#define CONST_mH
Hydrogen atom mass.
Definition: pluto.h:264
tuple c
PLUTO main header file.
double MeanMolecularWeight(double *V)
void GetMu(double T, double rho, double *mu)
Definition: pvte_law_H+.c:96
#define CONST_PI
Definition: pluto.h:269
int GetPV_Temperature(double *v, double *T)
Definition: thermal_eos.c:221
double Gamma1(double *v)
Definition: pvte_law_H+.c:113
double InternalEnergyFunc(double *v, double T)
Definition: pvte_law_H+.c:24