Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
2 /*!
3  \file
4  \brief Miscellaneous math functions.
5  \author A. Mignone (
6  B. Vaidya
7  \date June 28, 2015
8 */
9 /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
10 #include "pluto.h"
12 /* ********************************************************************* */
13 double BesselJ0(double x)
14 /*!
15  * Returns the Bessel function J0(x) for any real x.
16  * (Adapted from Numerical Recipes)
17  *
18  *********************************************************************** */
19 {
20  double ax,z;
21  double xx,y,ans,ans1,ans2; /* Accumulate double prec. */
23  if ((ax=fabs(x)) < 8.0) { /* Direct rational function fit. */
24  y = x*x;
25  ans1 = 57568490574.0+y*(-13362590354.0+y*(651619640.7
26  + y*(-11214424.18+y*(77392.33017+y*(-184.9052456)))));
27  ans2 = 57568490411.0+y*(1029532985.0+y*(9494680.718
28  + y*(59272.64853+y*(267.8532712+y*1.0))));
29  ans = ans1/ans2;
30  } else { /*Fitting function (6.5.9).*/
31  z = 8.0/ax;
32  y = z*z;
33  xx = ax-0.785398164;
34  ans1 = 1.0 + y*(-0.1098628627e-2+y*(0.2734510407e-4
35  + y*(-0.2073370639e-5+y*0.2093887211e-6)));
36  ans2 = - 0.1562499995e-1+y*(0.1430488765e-3
37  + y*(-0.6911147651e-5+y*(0.7621095161e-6
38  - y*0.934945152e-7)));
39  ans = sqrt(0.636619772/ax)*(cos(xx)*ans1-z*sin(xx)*ans2);
40  }
41  return ans;
42 }
44 /* ********************************************************************* */
45 double BesselJ1(double x)
46 /*!
47  * Returns the Bessel function J1(x) for any real x.
48  * (Adapted from Numerical Recipes)
49  *
50  *********************************************************************** */
51 {
52  double ax,z;
53  double xx,y,ans,ans1,ans2; /* Accumulate polynomials in double precision.*/
54  if ((ax=fabs(x)) < 8.0) { /* Direct rational approximation.*/
56  y=x*x;
57  ans1 = x*(72362614232.0+y*(-7895059235.0+y*(242396853.1
58  + y*(-2972611.439+y*(15704.48260+y*(-30.16036606))))));
59  ans2 = 144725228442.0+y*(2300535178.0+y*(18583304.74
60  + y*(99447.43394+y*(376.9991397+y*1.0))));
61  ans = ans1/ans2;
62  } else { /*Fitting function (6.5.9).*/
63  z = 8.0/ax;
64  y = z*z;
65  xx = ax-2.356194491;
66  ans1 = 1.0 +y*(0.183105e-2+y*(-0.3516396496e-4
67  + y*(0.2457520174e-5+y*(-0.240337019e-6))));
68  ans2 = 0.04687499995+y*(-0.2002690873e-3
69  + y*(0.8449199096e-5+y*(-0.88228987e-6
70  + y*0.105787412e-6)));
71  ans = sqrt(0.636619772/ax)*(cos(xx)*ans1-z*sin(xx)*ans2);
72  if (x < 0.0) ans = -ans;
73  }
74  return ans;
75 }
79 /* ********************************************************************* */
80 double BesselI0(double x)
81 /*!
82  * Returns the modified Bessel function I0(x) for any real x.
83  * (Adapted from Numerical Recipes)
84  *
85  *********************************************************************** */
86 {
87  double ax,ans;
88  double y; /* Accumulate polynomials in double precision.*/
89  if ((ax=fabs(x)) < 3.75) { /* Polynomial fit. */
90  y = x/3.75;
91  y *= y;
92  ans = 1.0 + y*(3.5156229+y*(3.0899424
93  + y*(1.2067492 + y*(0.2659732 + y*(0.360768e-1
94  + y*0.45813e-2)))));
95  } else {
96  y = 3.75/ax;
97  ans = (exp(ax)/sqrt(ax))*(0.39894228 + y*(0.1328592e-1
98  + y*(0.225319e-2 + y*(-0.157565e-2 + y*(0.916281e-2
99  + y*(-0.2057706e-1 + y*(0.2635537e-1
100  + y*(-0.1647633e-1 + y*0.392377e-2))))))));
101  }
102  return ans;
103 }
106 /* ********************************************************************* */
107 double BesselI1(double x)
108 /*!
109  * Returns the modified Bessel function I1(x) for any real x.
110  * (Adapted from Numerical Recipes)
111  *
112  *********************************************************************** */
113 {
114  double ax, ans1, ans2, ans;
115  double y; /* Accumulate polynomials in double precision.*/
116  if ((ax=fabs(x)) < 3.75) { /* Polynomial fit. */
117  y = x/3.75;
118  y *= y;
119  ans = ax*(0.5+y*(0.87890594+y*(0.51498869+y*(0.15084934
120  +y*(0.2658733e-1+y*(0.301532e-2+y*0.32411e-3))))));
121  } else {
122  y = 3.75/ax;
123  ans1 = 0.2282967e-1+y*(-0.2895312e-1+y*(0.1787654e-1
124  -y*0.420059e-2));
125  ans2 = 0.39894228+y*(-0.3988024e-1 + y*(-0.362018e-2
126  + y*(0.163801e-2+y*(-0.1031555e-1+y*ans1))));
127  ans = ans2*(exp(ax)/sqrt(ax));
128  }
129  return x < 0.0 ? -ans : ans;
130 }
133 /* ********************************************************************* */
134 double BesselK0(double x)
135 /*!
136  * Returns the modified Bessel function K0(x) for any real x.
137  * (Adapted from Numerical Recipes)
138  *
139  *********************************************************************** */
140 {
141  double I0, ans;
142  double y; /* Accumulate polynomials in double precision.*/
143  if (x <= 2.0) { /* Polynomial fit. */
144  y = x*x/4.0;
145  I0 = BesselI0(x);
146  ans = (-log(x/2.0)*I0)+(-0.57721566+y*(0.42278420
147  + y*(0.23069756+y*(0.3488590e-1
148  + y*(0.262698e-2 +y*(0.10750e-3+y*0.74e-5))))));
149  } else {
150  y = 2.0/x;
151  ans = (exp(-x)/sqrt(x))*(1.25331414+y*(-0.7832358e-1
152  + y*(0.2189568e-1+y*(-0.1062446e-1+y*(0.587872e-2
153  + y*(-0.251540e-2+y*0.53208e-3))))));
154  }
155  return ans;
156 }
158 /* ********************************************************************* */
159 double BesselK1(double x)
160 /*!
161  * Returns the modified Bessel function K1(x) for any real x.
162  * (Adapted from Numerical Recipes)
163  *
164  *********************************************************************** */
165 {
166  double I1, ans;
167  double y; /* Accumulate polynomials in double precision.*/
168  if (x <= 2.0) { /* Polynomial fit. */
169  y = x*x/4.0;
170  I1 = BesselI1(x);
171  ans = (log(x/2.0)*I1)+(1.0/x)*(1.0+y*(0.15443144
172  + y*(-0.67278579+y*(-0.18156897+y*(-0.1919402e-1
173  + y*(-0.110404e-2+y*(-0.4686e-4)))))));
174  }else{
175  y = 2.0/x;
176  ans = (exp(-x)/sqrt(x))*(1.25331414+y*(0.23498619 +y*(-0.3655620e-1
177  + y*(0.1504268e-1+y*(-0.780353e-2
178  + y*(0.325614e-2+y*(-0.68245e-3)))))));
179  }
180  return ans;
181 }
183 /* ********************************************************************* */
184 double BesselKn(int n, double x)
185 /*!
186  * Returns the modified Bessel function Kn(x) for positive x and n >= 2.
187  * (Adapted from Numerical Recipes)
188  *
189  *********************************************************************** */
190 {
191  int j;
192  double bk,bkm,bkp,tox;
193  if (n < 2){
194  print1("!BesselKn: Index n less than 2");
195  QUIT_PLUTO(1);
196  }
197  tox = 2.0/x;
198  bkm = BesselK0(x);
199  bk = BesselK1(x);
200  for (j=1;j<n;j++) {
201  bkp = bkm + j*tox*bk;
202  bkm = bk;
203  bk = bkp;
204  }
205  return bk;
206 }
208 /* ********************************************************************* */
209 double RandomNumber (double rmin, double rmax)
210 /*!
211  * Generate and return a random number between [rmin, rmax]
212  *********************************************************************** */
213 {
214  static int first_call = 1;
215  double eps, rnd;
217  if (first_call == 1){
218  srand(time(NULL) + prank);
219  first_call = 0;
220  }
221  eps = (double)(rand())/((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0); /* 0 < eps < 1 */
222  rnd = rmin + eps*(rmax-rmin); /* Map random number between [rmin,rmax] */
223  return rnd;
224 }
226 /* ********************************************************************* */
227 void VectorCartesianComponents(double *v, double x1, double x2, double x3)
228 /*!
229  * Transform the vector \f$ v = (v_{x1}, v_{x2}, v_{x3})\f$ from
230  * the chosen coordinate system (= GEOMETRY) to Cartesian components.
231  *
232  * \param [in,out] *v the original vector.
233  * On output \c v is replaced by the three Cartesian
234  * components.
235  * \param [in] x1,x2,x3 the grid coordinates
236  *
237  *********************************************************************** */
238 {
239  double vx1, vx2, vx3;
241  vx1 = v[0];
242  vx2 = v[1];
243  vx3 = v[2];
247  /* nothing to do */
249  #elif GEOMETRY == POLAR
251  EXPAND(v[0] = vx1*cos(x2) - vx2*sin(x2); ,
252  v[1] = vx1*sin(x2) + vx2*cos(x2); ,
253  v[2] = vx3;)
257  #if DIMENSIONS == 2
258  EXPAND(v[0] = vx1*sin(x2) + vx2*cos(x2); ,
259  v[1] = vx1*cos(x2) - vx2*sin(x2); ,
260  v[2] = vx3;)
261  #elif DIMENSIONS == 3
262  v[0] = (vx1*sin(x2) + vx2*cos(x2))*cos(x3) - vx3*sin(x3);
263  v[1] = (vx1*sin(x2) + vx2*cos(x2))*sin(x3) + vx3*cos(x3);
264  v[2] = (vx1*cos(x2) - vx2*sin(x2));
265  #endif
266  #endif
267 }
double BesselK1(double x)
Definition: math_misc.c:159
double RandomNumber(double rmin, double rmax)
Definition: math_misc.c:209
static int n
Definition: analysis.c:3
void print1(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: amrPluto.cpp:511
double BesselI1(double x)
Definition: math_misc.c:107
double BesselJ0(double x)
Definition: math_misc.c:13
Definition: pluto.h:36
double BesselK0(double x)
Definition: math_misc.c:134
int prank
Processor rank.
Definition: globals.h:33
#define eps
int j
Definition: analysis.c:2
double BesselJ1(double x)
Definition: math_misc.c:45
#define GEOMETRY
Definition: definitions_01.h:4
void VectorCartesianComponents(double *v, double x1, double x2, double x3)
Definition: math_misc.c:227
PLUTO main header file.
double BesselKn(int n, double x)
Definition: math_misc.c:184
double BesselI0(double x)
Definition: math_misc.c:80
#define QUIT_PLUTO(e_code)
Definition: macros.h:125
Definition: definitions_01.h:2