武内くん (2017年度修士卒) は修論で MEMS X線光学系の原子層堆積法 (ALD) To complete the Pt with a film to the optical system mirror using the process、We have demonstrated for the first time improvement of reflectance by with a Pt film in this related study。
Summarized in the paper in parallel with the results and master's thesis writing、Was published in this time Applied Optics magazine。
This paper has been selected as Editor 's pick of the same magazine,ja (https://www.osapublishing.org/ao/issue.cfm?volume=57&issue=12)。

Title : Pt thermal atomic layer deposition for silicon x-ray micropore optics
Authors : Kazuma Takeuchi, Yuichiro Ezoe, Kumi Ishikawa, Masaki Numazawa, Masaru Terada, Daiki Ishi, Maiko Fujitani, Mark J. Sowa, Takaya Ohashi, and Kazuhisa Mitsuda
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