Astrophysics Laboratory, Tokyo Metropolitan University
In the space physics experiments laboratory, which was established in April 1993 to the Tokyo Metropolitan University、Observed X-rays from space with satellites、We have challenged the elucidation of the "universe of truth and mystery."。It developed the device with their hands、We have developed an artificial satellite、Aiming to conduct research on space and the solar-earth planetary system、Throughout Japan、In cooperation with researchers from around the world、We are developing a global research activities。
What's new information
- 2024December 2 GEO-XMEMSXRISMXRTX-ray polarized light Invited lecture and presentation at the Optical Society of Japan
- 2024December 2 GEO-XMEMSSolar system objects Presented at the Earth Electromagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Sphere Society
- 2024December 2 Machine Learning,jaGalaxy Kishikawa's paper on extracting structures related to star formation using ALMA data of NGC253 and machine learning was published in PASJ。
- 2024November 20 GEO-XMEMSXRISMCalorimeterLab relationships Professor Ezoe's article was published in Recruit Study Sapuri Career
- 2024September 30 XRISM XRISM Science Team Meeting #6 held at Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 2024September 21 GEO-XMEMS Presented at the 2024 Fall Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics
- 2024September 20 MEMSXRISM Presented at the 2024 Autumn Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan
- 2024September 14 GEO-XXRISMcompact celestial bodyMassive star forming regions Presented at the 2024 Autumn Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan
- 2024August 1 GEO-XMEMSX-ray polarized light 2024Presented at the 2019 Astronomy and Astrophysics Summer School
- 2024July 1 GEO-XMEMS AGE 2024 Announced at
- 2024On June 24 GEO-XMEMSXRISM Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
- 2024May 28 GEO-XMEMS JpGU (Japan Geoscience Union) Announced at
- 2024April 23 GEO-X GEO-X general meeting held
- 2024April 17 XRISM XRISM satellite transitions to regular operation
- 2024March 24 Lab relationships Presented at the 2024 Spring Conference of the Japan Society of Applied Physics @Tokyo City University
- 2024March 16 GEO-XMEMSXRISMSuzaku Presented at the 2024 Spring Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of Japan
- 2024February 28 XRISM First light of XRISM satellite released
- 2024February 22 Lab relationships Presented at the 25th Planetary Sphere Symposium @Tohoku University
- 2024February 8 MEMSTESCalorimeterLab relationships nanotech 2024 Exhibited at the
- 2023September 15 GEO-XMEMS GEO-X project paper published
- 2023September 8th XRISMX-ray satelliteCalorimeterLab relationships XRISM satellite has been launched!
- 2023August 5 Lab relationships 202353rd Astronomy and Astrophysics Summer School for Young People @ University of Tokyo Hongo Campus
- 2022On December 13 SuzakuSolar system objects Ishi's paper on building a prediction model for charge-exchange X-ray emission around the Earth was published in PASJ. & Press release
- 2022September 9th Lab relationships 2022The 52nd Astronomy and Astrophysics Young Summer School @ Online
- 2022September 9th Lab relationships SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022 @ Montreal, Joined in Canada
- 2022September 8th Lab relationships Associate Professor Ezoe appeared in Toshin TV's video introducing the university
- 2022July 19, MEMS Mr. Fukushima's paper on high-resolution MEMS X-ray optical system is published in Optics Express & Press release
- 2022In July, 7 pm Lab relationships ALD / ALE2022 @ Ghent, Participated in Belgium
- 2022July 5th XRISMSolar system objects Column article on solar system X-ray research published in XRISM official note
- 2022April 25. Lab relationships Associate Professor Jiang awarded the title of "Leading Researcher" at Tokyo Metropolitan University