Jun Ishtar (PhD program 3 years) Published in PASJ。Highly ionized ions such as oxygen in the solar wind collide with neutral hydrogen atoms in the Earth's upper atmosphere.、Produces X-ray emission associated with charge exchange reaction。Ishi conducted a systematic analysis of charge-exchange X-ray emissions around the Earth using all public data from the Suzaku satellite.、Built a general-purpose prediction model。Result of comparison with 5 examples of particularly bright light emission、Succeeded in reproducing the average intensity and time fluctuations。Please refer to the following articles for more information。

Fashj: https://doi.org/10.1093/pasj/psac095
arXiV: https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.03844

It should be noted that、Overseas online press release site EurekAlert! I wrote an introductory article for this paper at。Written in plain English for the general public to understand。Please take a look。

EurekAlert! (Press release article) :

Example of charge-exchange X-ray emissions around the Earth observed by the Suzaku satellite and model comparison。In addition to variability on a few-hour scale associated with solar wind variability,、Cusp area while the line of sight is orbiting the earth (A place where the Earth's magnetic field is open to outer space and where the solar wind can penetrate deepest into the vicinity of the Earth) It also reproduces sudden fluctuations on a scale of several tens of minutes that occur when crossing。